Bonus guide 1 How Do You Plan To Get There Some Straight Talk from PotPieGirl This report is the sole property of PotPieGirl com You do NOT have any rights to give away this report edit this report or link to this report in any way shape or form whether o

How Do You Plan To Get There Some Straight Talk from PotPieGirl This report is the sole property of PotPieGirl com You do NOT have any rights to give away this report edit this report or link to this report in any way shape or form whether online OR o ine I count on my subscribers to honor and respect this request If you are reading this report from anyone other than Jennifer Ledbetter from PotPieGirl com and OneWeekMarketing com please go to http www potpiegirl com and use the contact form to notify me immediately Thank you CI think it's time we talked No not about a way to make a lens or create back links or write an article but about the BIG picture of your online marketing business I am going to be VERY honest and straight-forward in this short report It is not my intention to o ?end anyone nor am I writing anything with the intention of singling any one person out I am also going to share some very sensitive information here This is information that I strongly request be kept private between you and me I am making this guide for YOUR information only You may not use it for your own marketing e ?orts or share it with anyone This is for YOUR eyes only Thank you Ok ?? let's talk I started online in February Do you think I made a couple lenses and wrote a few articles and then magically hit it big No way I worked I created all the online content I could possibly manage in the hours a day I worked and learned I knew I would never make it online if I didn't create content that earned some money to fund my business No money no growth In essence I was my own little start-up company with NO start-up capital ?? so I had to create it myself I also knew I would never make it online if I didn't take the time to build relationships along the way CYes relationships like you know with people Business relationships and friendships are crucial to the success of your business and I don't care WHAT your business is either Have you ever heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a child If you twist that saying a little it totally applies to internet marketing too It takes a VILLAGE to ??raise ? a successful internet marketer It takes community and support and trust-worthy tools and resources Above all it takes other PEOPLE to help a person reach their fullest potential If I didn ? t have my own hand-crafted network of amazing people and now friends my success would have been severely limited These are the people I sound o ? to bounce ideas o ? of go to for help and advice ?? and even approach when I have a ??simple ? problem that they have already solved Those relationships have been priceless ??

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