Business plan guide massachusetts small business development center network

MASSACHUSETTS SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER NETWORK BUSINESS PLAN GUIDE A structured guide with worksheets to assist you in the development of your business plan ?nancial projections and operating budget Adapted from materials written by Donald J Reilly former MSBDC business advisor Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the SBA The Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network is a partnership program with the U S Small Business Administration and the Massachusetts Department of Business and Technology under cooperative agreement - -Z- - through the University of Massachusetts Amherst SBDCs are a program supported by the U S Small Business Administration and extended to the public on a non- discriminatory basis SBA cannot endorse any products opinions or services of any external parties or activities Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance For further information contact the Southeastern MA SBDC o ?ce at - - CBUSINESS PLAN GUIDE The following format has been designed to give the business planner a brief list of some of the questions one must address before beginning to write each part of the plan The list of questions is in no way complete but is intended to assist the planner in analyzing some of the areas that must be considered After the lists of questions is an example of what a common business plan begins to look like The examples are incomplete and are only intended to give the ?rst time planner an idea of the format These pages are intended to help you in organizing your thoughts and to give some very basic examples to assist you in writing your business plan The examples are very short and concise They are only intended to show you one standard type format Your business plan should be much more speci ?c and extensive and should present your ideals perceptions and goals Note Your ?rst attempt to put together a business plan will probably not be the last There are over examples of sample business plans at www sba gov PART - BUSINESS PLAN NARRATIVE THE COVER The ?nal product should be a well-structured document that distinctly identi ?es its content The cover should be short and concise clearly indicating Purpose of the plan Company person name Address Telephone number Proposal writer if di ?erent from the owner Date of the proposal PLAN OBJECTIVE This should be a brief executive summary of the key elements of the business plan Its purpose is to capture the interest of prospective investors There are two basic reasons for the development of a business plan To be used as an Operating Guide To be used as a Financing Proposal If the plan is to be used as an internal operating and policy guide the purpose should be clearly and simply stated If the plan is to be used as a ?nancing proposal the statement of objectives should include more detailed information which will let the reader lender or investor know immediately

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