Business strategy study guide 2015 1

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales BUSINESS STRATEGY For exams from Study Guide www icaew com CContents Introduction Business strategy Study guide Syllabus and learning outcomes Technical knowledge Key Resources C Introduction ACA Overview The ICAEW chartered accountancy quali ?cation the ACA is one of the most advanced learning and professional development programmes available Its integrated components provide you with an indepth understanding across accountancy ?nance and business Combined they help build the technical knowledge professional skills and practical experience needed to become an ICAEW Chartered Accountant Each component is designed to complement each other which means that you can put theory into practice and can understand and apply what you learn to your day-to-day work The components are Professional development ICAEW Chartered Accountants are known for their professionalism and expertise Professional development prepares you to successfully handle a variety of di ?erent situations that you'll encounter throughout your career The ACA quali ?cation improves your ability and performance in seven key areas Adding value Communication Consideration Decision making Problem solving Team working Technical competence Ethics and professional scepticism Ethics is more than just knowing the rules around con ?dentiality integrity objectivity and independence It ? s about identifying ethical dilemmas understanding the implications and behaving appropriately We integrate ethics throughout the ACA quali ?cation to develop your ethical capabilities ?? so you will always know how to make the right decisions and justify them - years practical work experience Practical work experience is done as part of a training agreement with one of our authorised training employers or authorised training principals around the world You need to complete days which normally takes between three and ?ve years The knowledge skills and experience you gain as part of your training agreement are invaluable giving you the opportunity to put what you're learning into practice accountancy ?nance and business modules You will gain in-depth knowledge across a broad range of topics in accountancy ?nance and business There are modules over three levels These can be taken in any order with the exception of the Case Study which has to be attempted last You must pass every exam or receive credit ?? there are no Study Guide Coptions This ensures that once quali ?ed all ICAEW Chartered Accountants have a consistent level of knowledge skills and experience Certi ?cate Level There are six modules that will introduce the fundamentals of accountancy ?nance and business Each module is examined by a hour computer-based assessment which can be sat at any time You may be eligible for credit for some modules if you have studied accounting ?nance law or business at degree level or through another professional quali ?cation These six modules also provide as a stand-alone certi ?cate the ICAEW Certi ?cate in Finance Accounting and Business ICAEW CFAB Once you have completed all six Certi ?cate Level assessments you can apply for the ICAEW CFAB certi ?cate of completion visit icaew com cfab for more information Some of the

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