Cam guide 1 Machining CNC CAM Roundup Vendors Reference Guide December A designer can use the most sophisticated tools available to make the most intricate and detailed models A design can be tested modeled altered and shared among the o ?ce with the late

Machining CNC CAM Roundup Vendors Reference Guide December A designer can use the most sophisticated tools available to make the most intricate and detailed models A design can be tested modeled altered and shared among the o ?ce with the latest software on the market But until it is sent to a machine shop to be built it is still just a design Welcome to CAM where digital designs cross the boundary from CAD to real-world parts and products In our Roundup we have an overview story detailing the background of CAM as well as discussions of two upcoming issues in the ?eld the loss of experienced machinists and the possibility of one day exporting CAD geometry directly to the machine tools In addition to the overview stories is a pro ?le of local machine shop CNC Lathe Specialties and an interview with its owner Kevin Burrows Also included is an interview with Brad Cleveland CEO of Protomold where he explains how a secret process is changing the way molded parts are made We also have two white papers one detailing the trend towards digital manufacturing and another that explains how digital laser scanning can streamline the production process To complete the package is our annual CAM vendor ? s guide with information on over di ?erent companies Machining CNC CAM Guide ? ConnectPress Ltd all rights reserved CQuestionnaire Product Name Which Native CAD ?les can your product read Which Neutral CAD ?les can your product read Data type product uses unique or strongest PREPROCESSING features unique or strongest PROCESSING features unique or strongest POSTPROCESSING features How many and which axes can your product handle Communication options Help Support tools Simulation capabilities Operating system Minimum hardware requirements Price Web address Contact Email Phone Applied Production ProFab None We include a direct interface to AutoCAD SolidWorks Solid Edge KeyCreator DXF Reads the CAD data and then builds it into shapes All programming work is then done on these shapes not the individual lines and arcs There is no preprocessing ProFab takes the data as is and ?gures out what to do from the data Automatic tool selection interactive capability to arrange the sequence any way you like machine cycle optimization Feature editing option copying parts with the tooling data There is only one feature to our post processors to generate the correct code for the machine including all the machines optional bells and whistles Turret punch presses and laser machines axis Works with most DNC software Phone Fax Email and Internet ProFab displays the machine cycle and allows you to edit it if need be Windows Standard Windows based computer and up www AppliedProduction com Joe Bucalo sales AppliedProduction com - - Bob CAD CAM BobCAD-CAM BobWire BobNest BobART SolidWorks sld prt AutoCAD DWG Rhino CAD DM Parasolids x-t x-b STEP DXF IGES SAT JPG GIF TIFF BMT ASCII Text CDA-CAM Windows Environment Runs on GHZ MB RAM Automatic Updating Service No Dongle No Maintenance Fees Automatic Geometry Cleanup Erase Doubles

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