Cam study guide dedicated to helping business achieve its highest goals

D E D I C A T E D TO H E L P I N G B U S I N E S S A C H I E V E I T S H I G H E S T G O A L S CAM STUDY GUIDE NBAA ? s Certi ?ed Aviation Manager CAM Program identi ?es quali ?ed professionals to lead ight departments and companies that use business aircraft Through certi ?cation these individuals prove their level of expertise and commitment to the aviation industry enabling them to achieve their professional goals The purpose of this CAM Study Guide is to assist individuals in preparing to take the CAM exam This document provides a description of the CAM exam a list of suggested NBAA industry and government reference material sample exam questions and study tips For more information about the CAM Program visit www nbaa org cam or contact NBAA at cam nbaa org CCAM STUDY GUIDE th Edition Fall TABLE OF CONTENTS CAM Program Overview Study Guide Overview Exam Description Test- TakingTips CAM Program Domains Exam Reference Material Sample Exam Questions Answers for Sample Exam Questions Committed to Excellence Prepared to Lead CCAM PROGRAM OVERVIEW From certi ?ed public accountants and certi ?ed ?nancial planners to specialties within the medical profession many professional career ?elds certify individuals to improve their professionalism and provide industry recognition of their achievement The National Business Aviation Association NBAA created the Certi ?ed Aviation Manager CAM Program to ?ll this need for the business aviation industry The CAM Program identi ?es quali ?ed professionals to lead ight departments and companies that use business aircraft Through certi ?cation applicants prove their level of expertise and commitment to the aviation industry enabling them to achieve their professional goals NBAA and the business aviation community acknowledge CAMs as professionals who have reached a distinct level of industry knowledge and skill A fundamental purpose of the CAM Program is to promote the interests of business aviation stakeholders ?? including employers direct users of the company ight department and others such as the general public ?? by certifying ight department managers who are committed to excellence and prepared to lead The certi ?cation process tests pro ?ciency in ?ve subject areas Leadership Human Resources Operations Aircraft Maintenance and Facilities Operations and Business Management To begin the certi ?cation process individuals ?rst must qualify to take the CAM exam by submitting an application Exam quali ?cation is based on job experience education licenses attendance at business aviation industry events and enrollment in the NBAA Professional Development Program For full details refer to the CAM Program Guide and Application PDF found on NBAA's website The bene ?ciaries of certi ?cation programs like the CAM Program are not only individuals but also their employers and the industry as a whole Because certi ?cation bene ?ts both individuals and their employers many companies provide ?nancial support for their employees to obtain the CAM credential Certi ?cation does not

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