Category invest ment req x27 t employ ment req x27 t 1 y 2 y 3 y 4 y 5 y filing and registration fee kp

Filing and Category Invest- Employ- st Y ment Req ? t ment nd Y rd Y th Y th Y Registration Fee KP Req ? t Micro Enterprise below Small-Scale - Enterprise Medium-Scale - Enterprises Large-Scale Enterprises - - - B Non- Non- Fiscal Under Fiscal Under N A Section Section Exempt Exempt of Business Tax due RPTA Tax Due excluding SEF Exempt Exempt Exempt N A of business Tax due RPTA Tax Due excluding SEF of Business Tax due RPTA Tax Due excluding SEF N A K of Business Tax due RPTA Tax Due excluding SEF FF - RF ?? K of Business Tax due RPTA Tax Due excluding SEF FF - RF ?? K Exempt Exempt Exempt Exempt Exempt FF - RF - K FF - RF - K FF - RF ?? K FF - RF - K C

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