Fabrication guide Fabrication Guide for A-Cast cast acrylic CThis fabrication guide has been produced as an aide memoire to fabricators and installers of A-Cast cell cast acrylic Every endeavour has been made to ensure that the information contained herei

Fabrication Guide for A-Cast cast acrylic CThis fabrication guide has been produced as an aide memoire to fabricators and installers of A-Cast cell cast acrylic Every endeavour has been made to ensure that the information contained herein is accurate and reliable and is given in good faith as indicative of the product for the guidance of users Values quoted for processing or properties of the material are results of tests on representative samples and do not constitute a speci ?cation The processing and performance characteristics of A-Cast acrylic will depend on the user tools and equipment temperature and applied stress Users are advised to con ?rm the suitability of the material for their own particular purpose and using their own tests No warranty in respect to the ?tness of the product for any particular purpose is given and any implied warranty whether statutory or otherwise is excluded except to the extent that exclusion is prevented by law CContents Contents Introduction Safety First Storage and handling Preparation Sawing Scribe breaking Drilling screwing and tapping Laser cutting Routing and engraving Polishing Thermoforming Cementing Cleaning Material compatibility Typical physical properties www asiapoly com my C Introduction Introduction The ability to be readily fabricated formed and cemented lends A-Cast to many applications A-Cast cast acrylic is a product that has become synonymous with clarity colours and choice The fabrication behaviour of the material and wide range of colours surfaces and ?nishes enable designers to quickly realise their creative ideas The bene ?ts of A-Cast cast acrylic are based upon the properties of the product and the manufacturing method ?? made in a batch process as opposed to extrusion which is a continuous production process The manufacturing method means that small quantities can be produced giving exibility in both colour range and surface ?nish with the ability to o ?er colour matching and speciality products in relatively low quantities The cell cast process has bene ?ted over the years from the application of engineering technology to increase process control and repeatability from one production batch to the next and Asia Poly have taken full advantage although the basic casting process is essentially the same as that which was invented many years ago The bene ?ts of A-Cast cell cast acrylic from its inherent physical properties include ? Clear gloss sheet with a light transmission and optical clarity higher than glass at ? Half the weight of glass with four times the strength so less liable to breakage ? High exural modulus with the ability to accomodate large spans ? Resistance to weathering means the material is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications ? Excellent surface hardness for abrasion resistance ? Good chemical resistance so durable and easily cleaned ? Wide colour range and di ?erent e ?ects ? Thermoplastic material so can be recycled into other products and itself These physical properties of the A-Cast product including the ability to be readily fabricated formed and cemented lend it to many di ?erent applications including both

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