Hb 315 2007 bizdex a national framework roi calculator user guide

This is a free page sample Access the full version at http infostore saiglobal com HB ?? HB ?? Handbook BizDex ??A national framework ??ROI calculator user guide CThis is a free page sample Access the full version at http infostore saiglobal com HB ?? Handbook BizDex ??A national framework ??ROI calculator user guide First published as HB ?? COPYRIGHT ? Standards Australia All rights are reserved No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying without the written permission of the publisher Published by Standards Australia GPO Box Sydney NSW Australia ISBN CHB ?? This is a free page sample Access the full version at http infostore saiglobal com PREFACE This handbook was prepared by Standards Australia in consultation with the National O ?ce for the Information Economy NOIE now the Department of Communications Information Technology and the Arts project subcontractors Red Wahoo and an industry based advisory panel It is an historical record of the outputs of two projects conducted by the project team which developed a national e-business framework registry and toolkit concepts collectively known as BizDex A working group managed by Standards Australia consisting of representatives from the vendor service provider government agencies standards and end-user communities provided strategic direction and oversight for the projects These concepts were further demonstrated in a further project in which a large buyer in the wheat industry automated the grain ticket business process between its enterprise management software application SAP and an o ?ce management software application Quicken used by many of the small businesses it trades with It successfully demonstrated how the BizDex infrastructure could be used to connect a trading community This document forms part of a series consisting of ? HB ??BizDex ??A framework for registry operations ? HB ??B B registry service ?? Detailed speci ?cation ? HB ??B B registry requirements ??Product business requirements ? HB ??National registry and toolkit project ?? Final project outcomes report ? HB ??BizDex ??A national framework ? HB ??BizDex ??A national framework ??ROI calculator user guide this Handbook ? HB ??Interoperability infrastructure governance requirements ? HB ??Grain ticket delivery receipt POC process implementation guidelines ? HB ??B B integration toolkit ??Business requirements ? HB ??BizLink ??The B B integration toolkit technical speci ?cation Standards Australia wishes to acknowledge the following stakeholders who have contributed to the development of the BizDex Framework through the industry based advisory panel Australian Information Industry Association Australia Post Australian Wheat Board Boral EAN Australia Marketboomer Microsoft Quicken Australia SAP Australia Software AG Australia Sun Microsystems Australia Tradegate Australia SuperEC C HB ?? While the information contained in this handbook is the latest at the time of printing the BizDex Framework is constantly evolving under a changing standards landscape It is intended that this Handbook will be updated regularly and feedback from users would be welcome to assist in improving successive editions To receive e-mail noti ?cation of any new or updated

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