India travel guide INDIA TRAVEL GUIDE AN INTRODUCTION Whether you ? re new to travel or not every country comes with a unique set of challenges for its visitors India is one of the most unique challenges of all ??take our word for it we ? ve been doing bu
INDIA TRAVEL GUIDE AN INTRODUCTION Whether you ? re new to travel or not every country comes with a unique set of challenges for its visitors India is one of the most unique challenges of all ??take our word for it we ? ve been doing business there for years In many ways the cultural diversity in India exceeds the range found in the United States Imagine the amount of diversity cultivated by states with di ?erent climates terrain and religions ??could you even comprehend learning all of India ? s languages As you read this guide keep in mind that experiences are unique depending on where your adventure takes you If you ? re headed to the south you should pack di ?erently then if you were going to the north All this to say India can be a tricky puzzle to solve and we want to help Whether you ? re going to India for business or pleasure keep reading for advice on getting your visa ights avoiding cultural faux pas packing necessities and more if you ? re curious about our company and what we do visit our website www ecgroup-intl com CHOW TO USE THIS GUIDE Regardless of where in India you might be headed we want our guide to be helpful to you But we also want to make sure to include personalized advice based on our experiences As you follow our trip planning timeline look for the four faces below for our unique travel tips Print o ? the reference section at the end of the guide and take it with you as you travel There you ? ll ?nd info about currency exchange time di ?erences cultural faux pas and more Tom has been to India more times than he can remember North south east west ? he ? s done it all folks Lynda is Tom ? s better half Her attention to detail and travel logistics ensures nothing falls through the cracks Mike goes to India mostly for the food and the thrill of riding on the back of a motorcycle through the crazy streets of Chennai Maria is no stranger to travel but is a newbie to India She ? s got tips from her ?rst trip to Chennai plus advice on traveling with lots of camera gear CPlanning Ahe ad by Days DAYS - Have your passport visa and ight booked DAYS - Check the average seasonal weather to know what you might need to buy Get any immunizations you want taken care of This timeline is safe but I lmdioUkmygonyeoneincnulptteeeoutraisntaImpgesgskee iynnrt syowoioo muwoourdurnrtIkmar ? pmaiypass DAYS - DAY - Check the forecast and pack for it Good thing we have two packing lists for you to consult Passport check Documents check Adventure pants on check DAYS - Sit back and enjoy the ight but arrivals and customs can be a tricky business ? C DAYS Visas and Flights GETTING YOUR VISA I advise using the service Travisa Follow
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- Publié le Sep 07, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 50.2kB