Otello study guide www pov bc ca Music by Giuseppe Verdi Libretto by Arrigo Boito Introduction and Resource Guide for Paci ?c Opera Victoria ? s Production October SEASON SPONSOR STUDENT DRESS REHEARSAL PROGRAM PRODUCTION SPONSORS SEASON UNDERWRITERS YOUT

www pov bc ca Music by Giuseppe Verdi Libretto by Arrigo Boito Introduction and Resource Guide for Paci ?c Opera Victoria ? s Production October SEASON SPONSOR STUDENT DRESS REHEARSAL PROGRAM PRODUCTION SPONSORS SEASON UNDERWRITERS YOUTH EDUCATION ARTIST TRAINING NRS Foundation KOERNER Foundation Moss Rock Park FOUNDATION PUBLIC FUNDING ANDYOUNGER McLean STEWART Quail Rock FOUNDATION FUND Foundation Paci ?c Opera Victoria Balmoral Road Victoria BC V T A Phone Box O ?ce www pov bc ca CWelcome to Paci ?c Opera Victoria This Guide to Verdi ? s Otello has been created for anyone who would like to explore the opera in more detail The opera experience can be made more meaningful and enjoyable when you have the opportunity to learn about the opera before attending the performance The guide may also be used to help teachers prepare students for their visit to the opera It is our hope that teachers will be able to use this material to expand students ? understanding of opera literature history and the ?ne arts These materials may be copied and distributed to students Please visit http www pov bc ca otello html to download this guide or to ?nd more information about the opera including musical selections from POV ? s Best of YouTube and artist biographies POV Guides for other operas are also available for download Please Note The Dress Rehearsal is the last opportunity the singers will have on stage to work with the orchestra before Opening Night Since vocal demands are so great on opera singers some singers choose not to sing in full voice during the Dress Rehearsal in order to preserve their voice for opening night Contents Welcome to Paci ?c Opera Victoria Cast and Creative Team Introduction and Synopsis The Music of Otello From Othello to Otello The Alchemy of Verdi and Boito Giuseppe Verdi Arrigo Boito Resources and Links Student Activities Paci ?c Opera Victoria Study Guide for Otello COtello Music by Giuseppe Verdi Libretto by Arrigo Boito Based on the tragedy Othello by William Shakespeare First Performance February at La Scala Milan Student Dress Rehearsal Tuesday October at pm Performances October at pm Wednesday October at pm Sunday October at pm Royal Theatre Victoria BC In Italian with English surtitles A Co-Production with Opéra de Montréal Cast and Creative Team Cast in order of Vocal Appearance Montano previous Governor of Cyprus Alexander Dobson Cassio a Captain serving under Otello Adam Luther Iago Otello ? s ensign Todd Thomas Roderigo a Venetian gentleman Matthew Bruce Otello a Moorish General Governor of Cyprus Kristian Benedikt Desdemona Otello ? s wife Leslie Ann Bradley Emilia Iago ? s wife and Desdemona ? s servant Lynne McMurtry Lodovico Ambassador of the Venetian Republic Jeremy Bowes Chorus of Venetian soldiers and sailors and Cypriot townsfolk Artistic Director and Conductor Timothy Vernon Director Glynis Leyshon Production Designer Peter Hartwell Lighting Designer Guy Simard Fight Director Jacques Lemay Projection Designer Jamie Nesbitt Chorus Master Giuseppe Pietraroia Principal Coach Tatiana Vassilieva Répétiteur Csinszka

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