Eagle guide 1 Eagle Guide http www germandaggers com Gallery EG php Visor Cap Insignia Guide This is an identi ?cation guide for the di ?erent types of Visor Cap insignia worn by members of various organizations in Germany from until Unless otherwise note
Eagle Guide http www germandaggers com Gallery EG php Visor Cap Insignia Guide This is an identi ?cation guide for the di ?erent types of Visor Cap insignia worn by members of various organizations in Germany from until Unless otherwise noted all photographs are of original authentic items of the period This guide is for identi ?cation only To correctly authenticate an item it's size weight composition and construction details must be examined If anyone has questions or suggestions please contact Vern GermanDaggers com ? by GermanDaggers com Military Heer Army - st type Heer Army - st type Heer Army - nd type Heer Army - nd type Heer Army General Heer Army General Kreigsmarine Navy - st type Kreigsmarine Navy - st type Kreigsmarine Navy - nd type Kreigsmarine Navy - nd type Kreigsmarine Navy Administration O ?cer Kreigsmarine Navy Administration O ?cer of PM CEagle Guide http www germandaggers com Gallery EG php Luftwa ?e Air Force - st type Luftwa ?e Air Force - st type Luftwa ?e Air Force - nd type Luftwa ?e Air Force - nd type NSDAP Luftwa ?e Air Force General Luftwa ?e Civilian Workers - Base Fire ?ghters Doormen Lift Operators etc NSDAP - Pattern of NSDAP - Pattern NSDAP - Pattern NSDAP - ?nal Pattern PM CEagle Guide http www germandaggers com Gallery EG php NSDAP Political Leader NSDAP Political Leader SS Eagle and Skull NSKK - Pattern NSKK - Pattern NSKK - Pattern NSKK Motor School NSKK Motor School NSKK Transport Korps NSKK Transport Korps of NSKK Transport Korps NSKK Transport Korps PM CEagle Guide http www germandaggers com Gallery EG php NSKK Transport Korps NSKK Marine HJ Hitler Youth HJ Hitler Youth HJ Hitler Youth Marine HJ Hitler Youth Marine NSFK National Socialist Flying Corps st Type DLV German Flyers Association nd Type DLV German Flyers Association nd Type DLV German Flyers Association of rd Type DLV German Flyers Association rd Type DLV German Flyers Association PM CEagle Guide http www germandaggers com Gallery EG php FAD Volunteer Labor Service RAD Reich Labor Service - Enamel RAD Reich Labor Service - Painted DAF German Labor Front DAF German Labor Front Government Services DAF German Labor Front Leader DAF German Labor Front DAF German Labor Front Leader Landzoll - Land Customs of Landzoll - Land Customs Wasserzoll - Water Customs Wasserzoll - Water Customs PM CEagle Guide http www germandaggers com Gallery EG php Reichbahn - Railroad Service early Reichbahn - Railroad Service Reichbahn - Railroad Service Reichbahn - Railroad Service Reichbahn Beamte Bahnschutz - Railroad Protection Police Bahnschutz - Railroad Protection Police Reichbahn Water Protection Police Stra? enbahner-Tram Operator Reichpost - Postal Service Reichpost - Postal Service Reichpost - Postal Service of PM CEagle Guide http www germandaggers com Gallery EG php Postschutz - Postal Protection Police Deutsche Rote Kreuz - Red Cross early Deutsche Rote Kreuz - Red Cross Deutsche Rote Kreuz - Red Cross Werkschutz - Factory Protection Police Luftschutz - SHD State Forestry Service
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- Publié le Mar 11, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 31.2kB