Study guide 8 Vocab- Ellis Island Angel Island Culture shock Melting pot Chinese Exclusion Act Gentleman ? s Agreement Immigration Immigrant Urbanization Social Gospel movement Graft Political Machine Kickback Tammany Hall Patronage Pendleton Act Study Gu

Vocab- Ellis Island Angel Island Culture shock Melting pot Chinese Exclusion Act Gentleman ? s Agreement Immigration Immigrant Urbanization Social Gospel movement Graft Political Machine Kickback Tammany Hall Patronage Pendleton Act Study Guide for Ch Know the di ?erence between the Presidents discussed in the Gilded Age Presidents Hayes Gar ?eld Arthur Cleveland and Harrison Be able to talk about Settlement houses what they are and who founded them The Political Machine- Understand it describe how it works who it impacted and applied to who received the bene ?ts who supported and opposed it Be able to discuss the Social Gospel movement Urbanization- why was it appealing Who did it apply to Positives and negatives C

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