Transformational company guide

A Guide to the ??Qualities of a Transformational Company ? Executive Summary Canadian Business for Social Responsibility CBSR has developed this guide on ??The Qualities of a Transformational Company ? The goal is to provide an aspirational and inspiration roadmap for companies to scale up their corporate social responsibility CSR and sustainability e ?orts in order to address systemic societal risks challenges and opportunities and improve their long-term business prospects Global research into ? next practices ? in CSR and sustainability reveals there are qualities of a transformational company The Guide provides a description of each quality including the business case action steps case studies and additional resources Companies can use them to prioritize and develop initiatives that will enhance both business and societal prospects and build a better world for all The Transformational Company Qualities Guide is the de ?nitive go-to resource benchmark and checklist for anyone interested in the essential requirements of CSR or sustainability leadership Whether developing or refreshing your CSR or sustainability strategy consider these qualities and this Guide for best practice inspiration and insight This is the new leadership bar ?? and the compelling imperative for a sustainable future for companies and the present and future generations they serve Introduction A growing and urbanizing global population changing societal expectations and continuous technology innovation are a ?ecting the context in which business can succeed and thrive These tectonic shifts compel companies to rethink their business models to ensure that they can create shareholder and societal value over the long term This is driving a fresh look at the qualities companies must embrace to foster commercial and social success the ??transformational qualities ? For the past few decades many companies have improved their social and environmental performance on a continuous and incremental basis The reality is however that slow and steady is no longer enough Global social and environmental trends - such as resource water and food pressures climate change unemployment ageing obesity immigration and rising income inequality - are creating new risks and opportunities for business Increasing transparency and social connectivity coupled with growing consumer demand for social leadership are transforming the competitive landscape and opening windows to business-model and product innovation Leading companies realize that to improve both their operating context and societal well-being they must act beyond their own operations and the foreseeable future These companies invest in new measures to scale up their positive impacts and dramatically reduce their negative impacts to create a future- ?t viable business that is virtuous and collaborative by design To better understand this new breed of company Canadian Business for Social Responsibility CBSR commissioned global research in to identify these new qualities and to compile them into a framework for other companies to follow These qualities are based on a scan of global guidelines for sustainability and corporate social responsibility leadership with input from nearly three dozen sustainability thought leaders around the world In and CBSR published forty case studies of the transformational qualities in action In

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