days of covid 19 in the philippines how who supported the philippine response

Eliminate corruption https www youtube com watch v osleYTRDR rappler Public awareness https www youtube com watch v rBLTsZucGAg Public service values Justice Mamasapano verdicthttps www youtube com watch v uGferfogSj Sea games https www youtube com watch v UZOaaNNq k Understanding culture society and politics Museums and cultural sites Kto https www youtube com watch v mKLHaHxwF The Build Build Build BBB Program is the centerpiece program of the Duterte administration that aims to usher the ??Golden age of infrastructure ? in the Philippines Lack of infrastructure has long been cited as the ??Achilles ? heel ? of Philippine economic development The BBB Program seeks to accelerate public infrastructure expenditure from an average of percent of gross domestic product GDP during the Aquino regime to about percent at the end of the Duterte administration This will cost around P trillion to P trillion from to to address the huge infrastructure backlog in the country http cpbrd congress gov ph - - - - - - - - - - - ? - -build-buildbuild- bbb-progra days of COVID- in the Philippines How WHO supported the Philippine response May Exactly days have passed since the ?rst con ?rmed COVID- case was announced in the Philippines on January with a -year old female from Wuhan testing positive for the novel coronavirus On the same day on the other side of the world at the WHO headquarters in Geneva WHO activated the highest level of alert by declaring COVID- as a public health emergency of international concern The Philippine government mounted a multi-sectoral response to the COVID- through the Interagency Task Force IATF on Emerging Infectious Diseases chaired by Cthe Department of Health DOH Through the National Action Plan NAP on COVID the government aims to contain the spread of COVID- and mitigate its socioeconomic impacts The Philippines implemented various actions including a community quarantine in Metro Manila which expanded to Luzon as well as other parts of the country expanded its testing capacity from one national reference laboratory with the Research Institute of Tropical Medicine RITM to licensed testing labs across the country worked towards ensuring that its health care system can handle surge capacity including for ?nancing of services and management of cases needing isolation quarantine and hospitalization and addressed the social and economic impact to the community including by providing social amelioration to low income families https www who int philippines news feature-stories detail -days-of-covid- -in-the-philippineshow-who- supported-the-philippine-response CHED The K to system was signed into law with the passage of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of Republic Act It clearly states that the K to reform is an e ?ort not exclusive to the Department of Education DepEd but cuts across the whole landscape of Philippine education and labor making a unique impact on each sector while at the same time requiring all these agencies to work together to ensure a smooth transition into the new system The Enhanced Basic Education Act of https ched gov ph k- -project-management-unit The

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