Areca challenge guide 3 ARECA Challenge cademic Retirement Education Challenge Award Student Guide Booklet C A Company information and overview About Areca Capital Sdn Bhd Areca Capital Sdn Bhd is a fund management company licensed by the Securities Commi

ARECA Challenge cademic Retirement Education Challenge Award Student Guide Booklet C A Company information and overview About Areca Capital Sdn Bhd Areca Capital Sdn Bhd is a fund management company licensed by the Securities Commission Malaysia to manage and distribute private mandates unit trust funds and carry out regulated activity of ?nancial planning We are registered with the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia as one of the institutional unit trust advisors to distribute and market unit trust funds of other fund houses Since our inception in we have built a reputation as an innovative and high performing fund manager winning new clients as our performance track record and exceptional client service have been recognized Our clients range from individuals to corporates family and private trusts foundations and other institutions Overview As a wealth solutions provider who believes in giving back to the community we do play our part in contributing to uplift the ?nancial literacy of our younger generation In conjunction with this initiative we are pleased to introduce you to this inaugural ARECA challenge which will o ?er students the exciting learning experience while gaining insight to the highest professional standards in ?nancial industry Apart from testing understanding on applying ?nancial knowledge in dealing with practical issues this challenge also further sharpen students ? capabilities in communication presentation and teamwork Outstanding teams will also stand the chance to walk away with the attractive prizes apprenticeship program and scholarship for Certi ?ed Financial Planner CFP certi ?cation program This challenge consists of two rounds as follows Qualifying round ?? All teams are required to submit a written proposal on investment and trust planning Participating teams will be judged solely based on written proposal in this round The top ?ve teams will be shortlisted and enter into ?nal round Final round ?? Shortlisted teams will present their proposal to a panel of judges The teams will be rated based on performance on presentation quality of contents as well as questions and answers Q A sessions B Objectives and bene ?ts Objectives To promote ?nancial literacy among younger generation for the wellbeing of community To create awareness on the career opportunity in ?nancial industry Bene ?ts O ?er a unique opportunity for students to involve in hands-on ?nancial planning process and add merit to your resume Prepare students to kick-start their careers via apprenticeship program Page of C C Eligibility Who can participate This competition is open to all students enrolled in undergraduate degree program in business management accounting ?nance economics and other business related ?elds Limited to three teams per university or tertiary institution Each team may consist of minimum three but maximum ?ve students Students may not participate in more than one team and Students considered graduate students by their school are not allowed to participate D Schedule Introductory brie ?ng ?? June Registration ?? June Workshop ?? unit trusts and private trust June Qualifying round ?? Submission of written proposal July Announcement of shortlisted teams for ?nal round July

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