Course guide ll203 UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES OPEN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION LL Trends in Reading and Literacy Instruction st Semester AY - ? COURSE GUIDE Page of COURSE OBJECTIVES Have a deeper understanding of the principles that guide literacy

UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES OPEN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION LL Trends in Reading and Literacy Instruction st Semester AY - ? COURSE GUIDE Page of COURSE OBJECTIVES Have a deeper understanding of the principles that guide literacy instruction Broaden perspectives on the teaching of the essential components of reading Gain insights and knowledge in designing literacy instruction through understanding of the di ?erent reading programs and approaches in teaching reading COURSE OUTLINE AND STUDY SCHEDULE Week Week August September Module Topic Course Orientation Module The Objectives of the Reading Instruction Activity Participate in the self-introduction forum Discussion of literacy article Week - September Weeks September Unit II The Essential Reading Abilities Module The Mechanical Aspect of Reading Module The Meaning Aspect of Reading Module The Metacognitive Aspect of Reading Sharing of journal articles on the teaching of decoding comprehension uency and metacognition starts on Week Participate in group activity Start work on Project Mini- Research Unit Reading Programs Module School-Based Reading Programs An Overview Module Literature and Skills An Integrated Framework Sharing of journal articles on reading programs and literature-based instruction Participate in discussion Submit journal article report Week September Unit IV Beginning Reading Programs Module Programs and Approaches Module The Four-Pronged Approach to the Teaching of Beginning Reading Module Genuine Love for Reading and Critical Thinking Sharing of journal articles on reading programs and literature-based instruction Sharing of journal articles on the teaching of critical thinking and a ?ective aspect of reading Discussion of reading lesson for K- Start working on Project CWeek October - Module Mastery of the Structures of English Filipino Language Page of Sharing of journal articles on the teaching of language Discussion of language lesson for K- Week October - Week October - Week October - Week - October November - Writing Break Module The Transfer Stage Unit V Part -Developmental Reading Program Module The Premises Module Prereading Activities Module During Reading Activities Module Post Reading Activities Sharing of journal articles on the teaching of decoding and writing Discussion of Marungko Technique and decoding lesson for K Submission of Project Sharing of journal articles on teaching strategies Designing prereading activities Discussion and designing of during reading activities Discussion and designing of post reading activities Submit Project Start working on Project Week November Week November Week November December Writing Break Writing Break Submission of Project COURSE REQUIREMENTS Participation in Discussion and Activities Re ection Papers Journal Article Research Paper -Project Program Proposal - Project Integrated Literature- Based Lesson Plans - Project Discussion boards These are online discussions for modules or articles read The guidelines for participating are provided and will be uploaded in the moodle site CPage of Discussion Forums A discussion forum is one where the students get to react to questions or to issues raised by the teacher These issues and questions are based on the topics relevant to the course being studied and are meant to enrich the knowledge of the students Usually the teacher posts the questions issues in the site and

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