bibliography 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY Achtemeier P J Green J B and Thompson M M Introducing the New Testament Its Literature and Theology Grand Rapids Eerdmans Adams J E The Time is at Hand Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Woodru ? SC Timeless Texts Adamsons J T
BIBLIOGRAPHY Achtemeier P J Green J B and Thompson M M Introducing the New Testament Its Literature and Theology Grand Rapids Eerdmans Adams J E The Time is at Hand Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Woodru ? SC Timeless Texts Adamsons J The Epistle of James NIC Grand Rapids Eerdmans Arnold C E Ephesians Power and Magic The Concept of Power in Ephesians in the Light of its Historical Setting Cambridge Cambridge University Press Ashton J Understanding the Fourth Gospel Oxford Clarendon Press Aune D E ??The Apocalypse of John and the Problem of Genre ? Semeia - ------------- The New Testament in Its Literary Environment Philadelphia Westminster Press -------------- ??The Form and Function of the Proclamations to the Seven Churches Revelation - ? NTS - -------------- ??Following the Lamb Discipleship in the Apocalypse ? in Patterns of Discipleship in the New Testament ed R N Longenecker Grand Rapids Eerdmans -------------- Revelation - WBC a Dallas Word Books -------------- a Revelation - WBC b Nashville Thomas Nelson Publishers -------------- b Revelation - WBC c Nashville Thomas Nelson Publishers Aurenhammer M ??Sculptures of Gods and Heroes from Ephesos ? in Ephesos Metropolis of Asia ed H Koester Valley Forge Trinity Press International Bailey J L ??Genre Analysis ? in Hearing the New Testament Strategies for Interpretation ed J B Green Grand Rapids Eerdmans Bandstra A J ??A Kingship and Priest Inaugurated Eschatology in the Apocalypse ? CTJ - CBarclay W Letters to the Seven Churches London SCM Press ------------- ??Revelation The Mystery of the Beast ? in Great Themes of the NewTestament ed C Rodd Edinburgh T T Clark ------------- The Revelation of John Vol Edinburgh The Saint Andrew Press Bar-Efrat S Narrative Art in the Bible She ?eld Almond Press Barker M The Revelation of Jesus Christ Edinburgh T T Clark Barnes A Revelation Grand Rapids Baker Barnett P ??Polemical Parallelism Some further Re ections on the Apocalypse ? JSNT - Barr D L ??The Apocalypse as a Symbolic Transformation of the World A Literary Analysis ? Int - ------------ ??The Apocalypse of John as Oral Enactment ? Int - ------------ Tales of the End A Narrative Commentary on the Book of Revelation Santa Rosa Polebridge Press Barrett C K - ??The Lamb of God ? NTS - --------------- The Gospel According to St John London SPCK Bauckham R a The Climax of Prophecy Studies on the Book of Revelation Edinburgh T T Clark ----------------- b The Theology of the Book of Revelation Cambridge Cambridge University Press Bauer W A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early Christian Literature eds by W F Arndt F W Gingrich Chicago University of Chicago Press Bauernfeind O ??nika w ? TDNT Vol ed G Kittel Trans by G W Bromiley Grand Rapids Eerdmans - Beagley A J The ? Sitz im Leben ? of the Apocalypse with Particular Reference to the Role of the Church ? s Enemies Berlin Walter de Gruyter Beale G K The Use of Daniel in
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- Publié le Mar 16, 2022
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