Acvb1plus teachers guide Teacher ? s Guide B Terry Prosser CRichmond St Aldates Oxford OX ST United Kingdom ? Richmond Santillana Educación S L Additional material by Jeremy Bowell Publisher María Lera Senior Commissioning Editor Tom Hadland Managing Edit

Teacher ? s Guide B Terry Prosser CRichmond St Aldates Oxford OX ST United Kingdom ? Richmond Santillana Educación S L Additional material by Jeremy Bowell Publisher María Lera Senior Commissioning Editor Tom Hadland Managing Editors Ruth Goodman Catherine Richards Editorial Team Brígido Adán Lozano Ben Pincus Paloma Rodríguez Esteban Cover Design Marisela Pérez Design Dave Kuzmicki Colin Stobbart Photo Research Magdalena Mayo Amparo Rodríguez To consult the credits for the material reproduced here refer to Achievers B Student ? s Book ISBN - - - - CP All rights reserved No part of this work may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form electronic mechanical photocopying or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the Publisher Every e ?ort has been made to trace the holders of copyright but if any omissions can be recti ?ed the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements TOEFL Junior is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service ETS This product is not endorsed or approved by ETS The publisher would like to thank all those who have contributed to the development of this course Printed in Mexico by CTeacher ? s Guide A Terry Prosser B Introduction and course highlights page Student ? s Book page Exam preparation with Achievers page Workbook page Teacher support page Teacher ? s i- Book page Student ? s Book contents page Starter A and B page Unit ?? Life changes page Unit ?? Chilled or stressed page Unit ?? Moral dilemmas page Review ?? Units - page Unit ?? In the news page Unit ?? Time for a change page Unit ?? A day in the life page Review ?? Units - page Unit ?? Culture vultures page Unit ?? The fear of the unknown page Unit ?? Shop ? til you drop page Review ?? Units - page Review ?? Units - page Grammar Reference page Prepare for Cambridge Exams page Prepare for the TOEFL Junior Test page Stories page Face Face page Pronunciation page Verb Zone page Communication page CACHIEVERS Achievers is a multi-level course aimed at ambitious teachers who want their teenage students to achieve their very best in English Achievers aims to motivate and challenge students at every step of the learning process Achievers has an ambitious vocabulary and grammar syllabus and contains thorough and regular practice of all the key skills ?? Reading Listening Speaking and Writing Achievers has a full component package including Student ? s Book Workbook Teacher ? s Book containing complete teaching notes and reference material Teacher ? s i- Book for interactive whiteboards Teacher ? s Resource Book containing a complete pack of photocopiable tests and activities as well as further supplementary worksheets Teacher ? s Audio Material Pack containing all the audio for the course on six CDs Each Achievers unit has a number of key features which make the course unique LARGE VOCABULARY SETS sgbcCVooeonosOmikegiCrhpnytglAesetBseeeciUhttnhoagLefnfAcahedRseviaYgecdnrhthiulwolpmoituDehtta y The Vocabulary lessons contain large numbers of items both

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