Admissions guide 1 GUIDE TO ADMISSIONS IN MATHEMATICS Cambridge Mathematics The Cambridge undergraduate mathematics course known as the Mathematical Tripos is widely recognised as one of the most rewarding - and correspondingly demanding - undergraduate m

GUIDE TO ADMISSIONS IN MATHEMATICS Cambridge Mathematics The Cambridge undergraduate mathematics course known as the Mathematical Tripos is widely recognised as one of the most rewarding - and correspondingly demanding - undergraduate mathematics courses available You will have to work hard but will enjoy the opportunity to explore an exceptional range of interesting and beautiful mathematics and to interact with other enthusiastic and talented mathematicians Two other aspects of the course that our students greatly appreciate are its exibility and the breadth of subjects o ?ered Why Mathematics Here are some reasons often given for studying Mathematics at university ? You ?nd mathematics interesting This is an excellent reason ? You are good at mathematics This is a necessary but not suf ?cient condition as mathematicians would say You may be ?nding the mathematics you are doing now quite straightforward so that you hardly have to work at it When you study mathematics at higher levels it is not so straightforward so you have to be prepared to work hard at it And remember that this work will be a major part of your daily life ? The job prospects are excellent This is a true statement employers love mathematicians because mathematics is all about the vital skill of problem solving but it ? s not on its own suf ?cient reason You should choose to study mathematics because you enjoy it There are other ways of getting good jobs than spending three or four years studying something that you don ? t enjoy ??I ?rst developed an enthusiasm for maths when I was studying it at GCSE level I had always been very good at maths but I ? d always just seen it as necessary and functional I hadn ? t realised the breadth of its applications and it had certainly never occurred to me how fun and rewarding maths could be Naomi Murray Edwards College C Why Cambridge Mathematics Here are some reasons for studying Mathematics at Cambridge ? Cambridge is according to all major surveys one of the top universities in the world ? The Cambridge mathematics course is one of the very best mathematics courses in the UK ? The fourth year of our mathematics course called Part III is world famous and a breeding ground for future leaders in mathematical research ? Cambridge Colleges o ?er a level of academic pastoral and ?nancial support that is unsurpassed by any UK university ? Cambridge mathematicians are possibly the most soughtafter mathematics graduates in the UK and go on to highlevel jobs in many diverse and very ful ?lling careers ? Cambridge is a beautiful ancient and vibrant city ??The two supervisions per week where you discuss examples from the lectures in pairs with an academic are an amazing chance to talk to someone who is extremely knowledgeable in that area Shona Clare College ??Being able to speak to your supervisor and say I don ? t know this is incredibly reassuring the system is in

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