Fw fishing guide CV YOUNG ? Illustrations for ??Pro ?les of Major Game Species ? by Joseph Tomelleri ? Cover Illustration by Victor Young ? ? New Hampshire Fish and Game Department All rights reserved Published by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Departmen

CV YOUNG ? Illustrations for ??Pro ?les of Major Game Species ? by Joseph Tomelleri ? Cover Illustration by Victor Young ? ? New Hampshire Fish and Game Department All rights reserved Published by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department ? s Public A ?airs Division Funding in part comes from the Aquatic Resources Education Program Inland Fisheries Division and Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration CFreshwater Fishing Guide An Angler's Guide to the Granite State's Best Freshwater Lakes Ponds Rivers and Streams published by New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Hazen Drive Concord NH www wildlife state nh us CIntroduction ??Diversity ? is the one word that best describes the physical and biological characteristics of the State of New Hampshire Within its borders New Hampshire has tall mountains with alpine plant and animal communities forested valleys fast- owing streams large lakes and small ponds species-rich wetlands and a coast with a large estuary and sandy beaches Diversity also describes the type of ?shing anglers will ?nd and enjoy in New Hampshire ?? and so does the word excellence New Hampshire Freshwater Fishing Guide is an angler ? s guide to some of the state ? s best freshwater lakes ponds rivers and streams With this booklet you can ?nd mountainous streams inhabitated by brook trout shallow ponds loaded with sun ?sh deep lakes with landlocked salmon and more Put New Hampshire Freshwater Fishing Guide in your tackle box glove compartment ?shing vest or other place where you can reference it easily ?? and enjoy the many freshwater ?shing opportunities the Granite State has to o ?er CContents ? Handicapped Access ? Let's Get the Lead Out ? Fishing Ethics ? New Hampshire Fishing Digests Section ? Coldwater Fisheries Lakes and Ponds ? Fish Hatcheries ?? Fish and Wildlife Centers Section ? Coldwater Fisheries Rivers and Streams ? Atlantic Salmon Brood Stock Fishery Section ? Warmwater Fisheries Lakes Ponds and Rivers Section ? Pro ?les of Major Game Fish Species ? Trophy Fish Program ? Trophy Fish Entry Form ? Tips on Releasing a Fish ? Let's Go Fishing Program ? Fish Consumption guidelines CNew Hampshire Fish and Game Department ? s Handicapped Accessible Fishing Access Sites The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department recognizes the need to provide access opportunities for people with varied abilities In that spirit the Department is working to broaden recreational opportunities for disabled persons Below is a list of Fish and Game access sites that o ?er ?shing opportunities for people with physical disabilities There are many other access sites around the state that can be used by people with disabilities Some are owned by municipalities organizations or other entities For more information check the New Hampshire Boating and Fishing Public Access Map o ?ered by New Hampshire Fish and Game Department For a copy call - South Pond Stark Features an -foot long ?shermen ? s trail that ? s accessible by people with disabilities Located in the South Pond Recreational Area

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