Apocrypha 23 2012 pdf APOCRYPHA F C ? Turnhout All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical recording or otherwise without the prior permiss

APOCRYPHA F C ? Turnhout All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher D ISBN - - - - Printed in the E U on acid-free paper CAPOCRYPHA Revue fondée en par Jean-Claude PICARD et Pierre GEOLTRAIN CAPOCRYPHA REVUE INTERNATIONALE DES LITTÉRATURES APOCRYPHES INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APOCRYPHAL LITERATURES Directeur de la publication J -D DUBOIS Secrétaires de rédaction R BURNET et A VAN DEN KERCHOVE Comité de lecture F AMSLER R GOUNELLE S C MIMOUNI E ROSE J -M ROESSLI S VOICU Comité scienti ?que I BACKUS B BOUVIER F BOVON Z IZYDORCZYK S JONES E JUNOD A LE BOULLUEC J -N PERÈS P PIOVANELLI M STAROWIEYSKI Revue publiée avec le concours scienti ?que de l ?Association pour l ?Étude de la Littérature Apocryphe Chrétienne A E L A C et de la Société pour l ?Étude de la Littérature Apocryphe Chrétienne S E L A C Adresse du secrétariat de la revue rue Belliard F- PARIS apocrypha revue gmail com C CSOMMAIRE Liminaire Virtutes apostolorum Editorial Problems and Principles ? par Els ROSE Reworking the Virtutes apostolorum in the Salzburg Sermon-Collection st quarter of the ninth century ? par Maximilian DIESENBERGER A Socio linguistic Approach to Hagiographic Text Transmission the Torino Collection Biblioteca Nazionale D v th th c ? par Marieke VAN ACKER Editing a Fluid and Unstable Text The Example of the Acts of Pilate or Gospel of Nicodemus ? par Rémi GOUNELLE On the Evangelium Nicodemi before Print Towards a New Edition ? par Zbigniew IZYDORCZYK The Transmission of Marian Apocrypha in the Latin Middle Ages ? par Rita BEYERS Homiletic Texts and the Transmission of Eschatological Apocrypha in a Medieval Irish Context ? par Caitríona Ó DOCHARTAIGH The Digital Edition New Possibilities and Challenges ? par Mariken TEEUWEN AUTRES CONTRIBUTIONS Un réexamen des notices de Théodore Bar Kona? sur les mandéens ? par Jean-Marie DUCHEMIN Jésus la lumière et le Père vivant Principe de gémellité dans l ? Évangile selon Thomas ? par André GAGNÉ Some Philological Notes on the M? úéü? f? ? Ér? fét? l? Maryam ??Liber Requiei ? LR ? par Tedros ABRAHA RECENSIONS LIVRES REÇUS C CThe Dynamics of Apocryphal Traditions in Medieval Religious Culture Proceedings of the Expert Meeting Utrecht University - January CLIMINAIRE In January an Expert Meeting took place at Utrecht University organized as part of the research project The Dynamics of Apocryphal Traditions in Medieval Religious Culture funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scienti ?c Research NWO and supervised by project leader Els Rose since The project deals with the medieval textual transmission of the so-called Virtutes apostolorum Latin rewritings of the apocryphal Acts of the Apostles transmitted as a coherent series with a section on each individual apostle While the Virtutes apostolorum might have circulated as a series earlier the oldest extant manuscripts date to the second

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