Apploi employer guide Employer Handbook Version Apploi A snap Shot What is Apploi Apploi is the ?rst mobile jobs app that allows candidate ? s to complete a job application directly from their mobile device It is built to help you ?nd the right people Int

Employer Handbook Version Apploi A snap Shot What is Apploi Apploi is the ?rst mobile jobs app that allows candidate ? s to complete a job application directly from their mobile device It is built to help you ?nd the right people Interactive Apploi applications can be completed either on a tablet that is installed at a store location or from a candidate ? s own mobile device Apploi comprises a variety of interactive responses such as audio scenarios competency sliders and more to custom questions that employers create This pack will help you familiarize yourself with the Apploi system There are two predominant elements to the system that you will be using that this guide will run you through The Apploi app allows candidate ? s to apply via tablets or mobile phones The Apploi management system allows employers to manage what is displayed to candidate ? s and to review incoming candidate applications The Candidate Experience Apploi believes that the job application experience should be positive For everyone Applying Yesterday Applying Today The Bene ?ts As An Employer Reinventing the way you ?nd help Apploi empowers you to easily ?nd the right people with templates scoring interactive questions and more Capture Good People Apploi allows candidates to apply at their convenience on in-store tablets or on their own personal tablets mobile phones so you don't miss out on good people Get Relevant Information Use or create customized and targeted templates Take advantage of Apploi's interactive scenarios video multiple choice responses and more Get the right information from the beginning Save Time Use Apploi scoring system to ?lter your candidates ? answers so you can quickly and easily view only those applicants who are right for you - saving you time and money As An Applicant Apply Faster Apploi saves applicant ? s basic information The applicant enters it in once and the next time they apply they can swipe straight through The application process is completed with more ease and more speed Apply Anytime Anywhere People can apply on an in-store tablet or on your personal device No more open-calls long tedious online applications or inconveniently scheduled meetings Now your candidates can apply anytime from anywhere Increase Your Chances Interactive scenarios videos slider questions and more allow the job applicant to show their true self to their prospective employers Applicants can increase their chances of landing the right job for them by letting their true colors shine through with Apploi How Does it work Apploi provides you with a tablet and mobile platform to make your interactive application easy and accessible for candidates Set up Apploi in Your Store Bring Apploi to events with you Have people Apploi on their phones Pre-Requisites For using the app Internet A good internet connection is required for a seamless experience of the Apploi app for your applicants We know that your applicants may also be customers and that you would like to provide them with the best job application experience possible

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