Audio lobe user guide AudioLobe User Guide December Page F VEJP-PCF TFS VJEF www js media com CAudioLobe User Guide Page AudioLobe AudioLobe provides an easy and attractive way of slowing down the playback rate of an audio ?le without altering the pitch r

AudioLobe User Guide December Page F VEJP-PCF TFS VJEF www js media com CAudioLobe User Guide Page AudioLobe AudioLobe provides an easy and attractive way of slowing down the playback rate of an audio ?le without altering the pitch rate This allows you for example to hear the individual notes being played in a complex sequence of music without having them become unintelligible due to changing pitch rates When you download AudioLobe from http www js media com you get versions for both Mac OS X Tiger AudioLobe and Mac OS X Leopard AudioLobe Use whichever one you want or both Looping of sequences of audio can be easily accomplished by setting start and end points If for example there is a particular sequence of guitar-playing drum use or keyboard playing that you are ?nding dif ?cult to play you can select the sequence and then slow it down and hear the music at normal pitch rates and determine exactly how it ?s being played AudioLobe ?s attractive interface allows you to access your audio ?les and keep links to regularly analyzed ?les in it ?s own playlist AudioLobe supports most of the common audio formats including AAC m a extension ?les which is the most common format for storing music in your iTunes library It also supports MP AIFF CD ?les AIFC AIFF Compressed WAV etc New in version is support for processing video ?les too including QuickTime MPEG and AVI formats AudioLobe can be downloaded for free and run in demo mode for an unlimited time All the features of the application are available in demo mode with the only restriction being that only the ?rst seconds of an audio ?le can be processed Purchase of a license from the JS Media store removes this limit http www js media com store www js media com CAudioLobe User Guide Page Key Feature Comparison MAIN FEATURES Easy to use graphical interface Playback audio at altered speeds without changing the pitch rate Control pitch rate changes independently of playback speed changes Support for multiple audio formats including AAC m a MP AIFF CD ?les AIFC AIFF Compressed WAV etc Version processes video ?les too including QuickTime MPEG and AVI System Requirements ? Mac OS X Tiger for AudioLobe ? Mac OS X Leopard for AudioLobe Installing The AudioLobe software is distributed as an Internet-enabled disk image When downloaded Safari will automatically mount the disk image displaying a folder with the following ?les AudioLobe application Release note text ?le User guide Data sheet Drag the AudioLobe application icon to your hard drive The normal place to store it is the Applications folder but it is not required to to be installed there Then double-click the AudioLobe application to start it www js media com CAudioLobe User Guide Page Purchasing a license After installing AudioLobe you will be able to use all the features of the application with a restriction of processing the ?rst seconds of an audio ?le Purchasing a license

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