Jacquemond 2010 Les traductions arabes de Pierre Bourdieu Author s Richard Jacquemond Source Arabica T Fasc pp - Published by Brill Stable URL http www jstor org stable Accessed - - UTC JSTOR is a not-for-pro ?t service that helps scholars researchers and

Les traductions arabes de Pierre Bourdieu Author s Richard Jacquemond Source Arabica T Fasc pp - Published by Brill Stable URL http www jstor org stable Accessed - - UTC JSTOR is a not-for-pro ?t service that helps scholars researchers and students discover use and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship For more information about JSTOR please contact support jstor org Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use available at http about jstor org terms Brill is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize preserve and extend access to Arabica This content downloaded from on Sat Aug UTC All use subject to http about jstor org terms CBRILL Arabica - Arabica brill nl arab Les traductions arabes de Pierre Bourdieu Richard Jacquemond Universite de Provence Resume A travers l'exemple des traductions arabes de Pierre Bourdieu cet artide propose une analyse des conditions de Introduction et de la reception d'une pensee sociologique de source francaise dans le champ intellectuel arabe contemporain et plus gen ralement des conditions de la circulation internationale des idees en contexte postcolonial Uanalyse diachronique revele 'interp netration des logiques d'importation et d'exportation les ecarts entre les traditions intellectuelles et acade miques nationales dans di ?erent pays arabes Maroc Liban Syrie Egypte aussi bien que les conditions matfrielles et symboliques di ?ciles de l'edition et de la circulation des ouvrages de sciences humaines et sociales dans Pespace arabe D'ou une economie generale de ces traductions caracterisee comme selective didactique et militante et une poetique dominee par une norme traductionnelle depaysante voire litteraliste au-dela de la diversite des choix terminologiques operes par les traducteurs en l'absence de cadre normatif L'auteur analyse en conclusion 'habitus du traducteur arabe caractirise par une sou ?rance de position speci ?que Une bibliographic des traductions arabes de Pierre Bourdieu est fournie en annexe Mots-cles Pierre Bourdieu edition arabe traduction arabe sociologie poetique de la traduction termino logie norme traductionnelle champ intellectuel champ academique habitus traductionnel Abstract Through the example of the Arabic translations of Pierre Bourdieu this article analyses the con ditions of the introduction and reception of a sociological thought of French origin in the con temporary Arab intellectual ?eld and more generally those of the international circulation of ideas in a postcolonial context The diachronic analysis reveals the interpenetration of logics of import and export the di ?erences between intellectual and academic national traditions in vari ous Arab countries Morocco Lebanon Syria Egypt as well as the di ?cult conditions on both material and symbolic levels through which modern works of social sciences are published and circulated in the Arab world Hence the general economy of these translations is characterized as selective didactic and militant while a foreignizing and at times literalist translational norm notwithstanding the diversity of the translators' terminological choices given the absence of a normative framework - dominates their poetics The author

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