Bibliography 1 Bibliographical references The links cited were checked on th June Series of papyrological editions and instruments are abbreviated as suggested in the Checklist to which I also refer for more detailed bibliographical information on them Li

Bibliographical references The links cited were checked on th June Series of papyrological editions and instruments are abbreviated as suggested in the Checklist to which I also refer for more detailed bibliographical information on them List of works cited Agnesini A Banche dati di testi latini In Tammaro-Santoro - https doi org Andorlini I Ricongiungere virtualmente archivi papiracei dispersi le carte di Ammon advocatus In Tammaro-Santoro - https doi org Angeli A Lo svolgimento dei papiri carbonizzati Papyrologica Lupiensia - http www chartes it index php r bibliografy view id APA American Philological Association Papyri in the computer American Philological Association Newsletter APIS APIS Imaging Standards Columbia University Libraries http www columbia edu cu lweb projects digital apis imaging guidelines Jan pdf APIS Advanced Papyrological Information System APIS In Digital Library Projects http www columbia edu cu libraries inside projects apis APIS Guidelines for APIS Metadata Contributors In Digital Library Projects Columbia University Libraries http www columbia edu cu libraries inside projects apis guidelines html APIS UM n d Image Collections Help Guide In APIS UM page help Ast R Papyrology Literary and Documentary In Oxford Bibliographies https doi org OBO - Ast R to PAPY mailing list February https list ku dk postorius lists papy lists hum ku dk Ast R and H Essler Anagnosis Herculaneum and the Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri In Reggiani a - https doi org - CBabeu A Rome Wasn't Digitized in a Day Building a Cyberinfrastructure for Digital Classicists Washington Council on Library and Information Resources https www clir org pubs abstract reports pub Bagnall R Imaging of Papyri A Strategic View In Bowman-Deegan - https doi org llc Bagnall R Papyrus and Preservation The Classical World special issue Computing in the Classics - https doi org Bagnall R S ed a The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology New York Oxford University Press https doi org oxfordhb Bagnall R S b Introduction In Bagnall a xvii-xxi oxfordhb- -miscMatter- Bagnall R S c Practical Help Chronology Geography Measures Currency Names Prosopography and Technical Vocabulary In Bagnall a - https doi org oxfordhb Bagnall R Integrating digital papyrology In Online humanities scholarship the shape of things to come edited by F Moody and B Allen New York Mellon Foundation http hdl handle net Bagnall R to PAPY mailing list May https list ku dk postorius lists papy lists hum ku dk Bagnall R S and T Gagos The Advanced Papyrological Information System Past Present and Future In Proceedings of the th International Congress of Papyrology Helsinki vol I - Helsinki Societas Scientiarum Fennica Bagnall R S and S Heath Roman Studies and Digital Resources The Journal of Roman Studies - https doi org S Bagnall R S C Helms and A Verhoogt Images of ostraca In O Berenike http www columbia edu dlc apis berenike Barker C E A Guide to the University of Toronto's Classics Department Papyrus Collection at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library In Classics Department Papyrus Collection Toronto University of Toronto Libraries

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