Bibliography 41 Bibliography Fairburn Miles The Ideal Society and Its Enemies The Foundations of Modern New Zealand Society - Auckland New Zealand Auckland University Press Steven Rob ??Land and White Settler Colonialism ? Chapter One in Culture and Ident

Bibliography Fairburn Miles The Ideal Society and Its Enemies The Foundations of Modern New Zealand Society - Auckland New Zealand Auckland University Press Steven Rob ??Land and White Settler Colonialism ? Chapter One in Culture and Identity in New Zealand ed David Novitz and Bill Willmott Wellington New Zealand Government Printing House Jenkins Richard ??Categorisation Identity Social Process and Epistemology ? Current Sociology Vol No pp - Pure New Zealand advertisement YouTube Retrieved th March from http www youtube com watch v eh- knDpn g Tourism New Zealand o ?cial travel information Retrieved th March from http www newzealand com travel International AA New Zealand Travel Guide Retrieved th March from http www aatravel co nz main index php Bell C The 'Real' New Zealand Rural Mythologies Perpetuated and Commodi ?ed The Social Science Journal Vol No pp - Trends in Migration Between Regions Statistics New Zealand Retrieved th March from http www stats govt nz analytical-reports internalmigration-report trends-in-migration-between-regions trends-in- migrationbetween-regions htm People Statistics New Zealand Retrieved th March from http www stats govt nz urban-rural-pro ?les main- urban-areas people htm L P Ad Stubbies YouTube Retrieved th March from http www youtube com watch v GSFCvG curE Mikaere A Bruce Jesson Memorial Lecture Bruce Jesson Foundation Retrieved th March from http brucejesson com item bruce-jesson- memorial-lecture- --professor-ani-mikaere C

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