Bibliography 77 Bibliography Azoulay Ariella September ?? October ''Still Searching - Unlearning Decisive Moments of Photography'' Fotomuseum Winterthur https www fotomuseum ch en explore stillsearching authors ariellaazoulay last access April Bate David

Bibliography Azoulay Ariella September ?? October ''Still Searching - Unlearning Decisive Moments of Photography'' Fotomuseum Winterthur https www fotomuseum ch en explore stillsearching authors ariellaazoulay last access April Bate David Photography and the Colonial Vision in Third Text Vol pp ?? Barthes Roland Die Helle Kammer Bemerkungen zur Photographie th Edition Frankfurt am Main Suhrkamp Verlag Baudrillard Jean Agonie des Realen Berlin Merve Verlag Bechtlo ? Dieter Ed Juli ?? September ''Die Genres der Fotogra ?e II Die Kunst der Selbstdarstellung'' Kunstforum International Bd Bonnett Alastair Unruly Places Lost Spaces Secret Cities and Other Inscrutable Geographies Boston Houghton Mi in Harcourt Borges Jorge Luis Collected Fictions New York NY Penguin Branch Jordan Nathaniel Mapping the Sovereign State Cartographic Technology Political Authority and Systemic Change University of California Berkeley Burgin Victor Ed Thinking Photography London Red Globe Press Campany David ''A Conversation between David Campany and Tim Clark '' words http www wordsmag com david-campany last access April Campany David and Anastasia Samoylava October ?? December ''Reading Images David Campany in conversation with Anastasia Samoylova'' Correspondencia http correspondencias fotocolectania org en last access April Cara ?a Constanza Serena Tiziana Eds Photo Archives and the Idea of Nation Berlin Walter de Gruyter Daniels Stephen Fields of Vision Landscape Imagery and National Identity in England and the Uniteds States Cambridge Polity Press Deleuze Gilles Guattari Félix A Thousand Plateaus Capitalism and Schizophrenia Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press Dizon Michelle Lê Vi ??t White Gaze San Francisco Bay Area CA Sming Sming Books Elden Stuart The Birth of Territory Chicago IL University of Chicago Press CFontcuberta Joan Pandora's Camera Photogr phy after Photography London MACK Books Galandi-Pascual Julia Zur Konstruktion amerikanischer Landschaft Freiburg Modo Verlag Gammage Bill The Biggest Estate on Earth How Aborigines Made Australia Sydney Allen Unwin Gottmann Jean The Signi ?cance of Territory Charlottesville VA University Press of Virginia Grann David February ''The White Darkness A solitary journey across Antarctica '' The New Yorker https www newyorker com magazine the-white- darkness last access April Graw Isabelle Buchloh Benjamin September ''Verlorene Lebensspuren Ein Gespr? ch über Indexikalit? t in analoger und digitaler Fotogra ?e zwischen Isabelle Graw und Benjamin Buchloh '' In Texte zur Kunst Vol pp ?? Geimer Peter Fotogra ?e als Fakt und Fetisch In Guggerli David and Orland Barbara Eds Ganz normale Bilder Historische Beitr? ge zur visuellen Herstellung von Selbstverst? ndlichkeiten Zürich Chronos pp ?? Günzel Stephan Ed Texte zur Theorie des Raums Stuttgart Reclam Halpern Gregory May ''On Documentary Ethics ?? Preoccupations Subjectivity and Untruths '' American Suburb X http www americansuburbx com asx-interview-gregory-halpern- ondocumentary-ethics- html last access April Hidde Bakker Taco The Photograph That Took the Place of a Mountain Essays and other writings on photography and art Amsterdam Fw Books Knight David ''Identity and Territory Geographical Perspectives on Nationalism and Regionalism '' Annals of the Association of American Geographers Vol pp ?? Krauss Rosalind Das Photographische - Eine Theorie der Abst? nde Paderborn Wilhelm Fink Verlag Malpas Je ? Place and Experience A Philosophical Topography

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