Cip CIP Cleaning in place ? The circulation of non foaming cleaners without dismantling the equipment ? An automatic and systematic cleaning of the inner surfaces of tanks heat exchangers pumps valves and pipes JohnsonDiversey CCIP properties ? Strong and

CIP Cleaning in place ? The circulation of non foaming cleaners without dismantling the equipment ? An automatic and systematic cleaning of the inner surfaces of tanks heat exchangers pumps valves and pipes JohnsonDiversey CCIP properties ? Strong and hot solutions can be used The heat the chemistry and the mechanics can be sustained long ? The solutions can be reused ? Can be automated and reproducibility is good ? Investment in equipment is high ? The mechanics are not always su ?cient JohnsonDiversey CJohnsonDiversey CFlow Rate vs Flow Velocity volume per second second inside diameter Q Where v d ? v ow velocity meters per second Q ow rate m per hour ? pi ? dimensionless d inside pipe diameter meters JohnsonDiversey CVelocity vs ow Pipe size DN DN DN DN JohnsonDiversey ID mm m s velocity Litres sec m s velocity Litres sec CVertical vessel ow requirements - sprayballs Vertical vessels For most vessels the sprayball delivers a uniform quantity of solution to the upper circumference of the vessel Based on soil level deliver a given quantity of solution to a unit length of circumference - called liquid loading Don ? t forget about ow OUT of vessels JohnsonDiversey CSprayball Placement F ECF EB Depth of Sprayball Dome Height D tan - F F F F F ED F F Depth of Sprayball ? Dome Height Sprayball Dome Weld Where angle of coverage D diameter of vessel Dome height degrees meters meters NOTE This is valid for simple vessels without obstructions Additional sprayballs may be required JohnsonDiversey Cexample gpm ? JohnsonDiversey ? dia CSprayball pressure Sprayball pressure is critical Generally in the range - bar Too little pressure and the vessel walls are not reached Too much and the spray atomises reducing mechanical action Larger sprayballs with larger hole diameters can operate at higher pressures without atomising All sprayballs have speci ?ed ow pressure curves JohnsonDiversey CJohnsonDiversey CVertical vessel ow requirements - sprayballs Flow as a function of diameter and soil Q R D T ? FS QR required ow rate DT vessel diameter p pi ? liters per minute meters dimensionless FS soil factor liters meter-minute FS for light soil conditions FS for medium soil conditions FS for heavy soil conditions JohnsonDiversey CJohnsonDiversey CJohnsonDiversey CHigh pressure rotary sprayheads Add impingement to the mechanical action Generally consume a little less water Have speci ?c times to wet surfaces and impinge on them dependent on pressure and gearing Not very e ?ective on larger vessels under bar pressure Use similar data to specify as sprayballs Use manufacturers recommendations Toftejorg have a computer simulation program called TRAX - use it JohnsonDiversey CCIP Optimizing CIP optimizing is the process of minimizing the cost inputs of CIP cleaning water e uent energy chemical electrical heat CO production time JohnsonDiversey COptimizing drivers CIP system design clean circuits - no dead legs no ow splits accurate and non competing instrumentation - conductivity monitoring no leaks CIP program correct CIP program philosophy CIP preparation sequence

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