Grade 12 student career needs and perceptions of the effectivene
Canadian Journal of Counselling Revue canadienne de counseling Vol Grade Student Career Needs and Perceptions of the E ?ectiveness of Career Development Services Within High Schools Joan M Bloxom Kerry B Bernes Kris C Magnusson Thelma T Gunn Angela D Bardick David T Orr Kerbi M McKnight University of Lethbridge ? ? ? ? ? ? ? High school students engaging in career decision making encounter signi ?cant challenges due to changing social and economic conditions The student needs assessment focus of this study provides unique insights into student perceptions of the e ?ectiveness of high school career programs Results indicated that Grade students value resources that support transitions have a passion for career and report a wide range of occupational choices However students may not perceive career development resources available at the high school level as being very e ?ective Implications for the delivery of high school career programs and the development of public policy on career services are discussed ?É ? ?É Les changements fréquents des conditions sociales et économiques imposent des dé ?s considérables aux étudiants du niveau secondaire lorsqu ? ils considèrent une décision se rapportant à leur carrière Cette étude gr? ce à l ? analyse des besoins des élèves donne un nouvel aperçu de la perception des étudiants de l ? ef ?cacité des programmes au secondaire sur les carrières Les résultats indiquent que les étudiants de e année apprécient les ressources qui facilitent la transition de l ? école au travail expriment le besoin d ? une carrière qui les passionne et reconnaissent une vaste gamme de choix professionnels Cependant les étudiants peuvent ne pas percevoir les ressources disponibles au niveau secondaire sur le développement professionnel comme très ef ?caces Les implications pour la prestation de programmes d ? orientation de carrière ainsi que pour le développement de la politique publique sur les services de carrière y sont discutés The school-to- work transition STW requires that high school graduates make personal and career choices within the framework of changing social and economic conditions Bezanson Hiebert Finnie Human Resources Development Canada Lowe Krahn Bowlby The career counselling literature documents a st century that is a post-industrial society Alberta Advanced Education and Career Development Blustein b Lee Johnston Lent Peavy Savickas Watts C J M Bloxom K B Bernes K C Magnusson T T Gunn A D Bardick D T Orr K M McKnight Post-industrial society is de ?ned by transformations in labour markets the nature of work the emergence of knowledge-based industries Finnie Gilbert the newly dominant forces of information technology massive immigration and global economies Savickas Watts The changing STW parameters are clearly outlined by economists who study labour markets Future workers must have speci ?c skills training beyond high school to fully participate in the new realities of the knowledge- based economy Alberta Human Resources and Employment Alberta Learning Gilbert Lee Johnston Pelsma Arnett Sanchez Watts Furthermore Cox and Espinoza have argued that in rural areas the need for resources to address
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