Groove guide 444 Librarian ? s struggle with the question - Lance Armstrong - ?ction or non ?ction SHIT WORTH DOING St Jerome ? s Laneway Festival Bat For Lashes Of Monsters And Men Flume And Japandroids Parachute Festival Luminate Festival Free - JAN NZ
Librarian ? s struggle with the question - Lance Armstrong - ?ction or non ?ction SHIT WORTH DOING St Jerome ? s Laneway Festival Bat For Lashes Of Monsters And Men Flume And Japandroids Parachute Festival Luminate Festival Free - JAN NZ ? S oNLY FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS ISSUE GROOVEGUIDE CO NZ CWwW co Nz BROADWAY NEWMARKET RE STArt CAShEl MalL CHRISTchURcH CMusic from the ?lms THE BANQUET HERO CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON National Tour Partner TAN DUN MARTIAL ARTS TRILOGY with ?lm Thu Feb WELLINGTON Fri Feb AUCKLAND Tan Dun Conductor Scan to listen nzso co nz For ticket details go to C Cgrooveguide co nz NEWS Opiucrk Scan the QR code with your smartphone to go to Groove Guide ? s mobile website for breaking news reviews interviews and more features We also do this cool social media stu ? GrooveGuide facebook com grooveguide Groove Guide is New Zealand ? s leading weekly music and entertainment publication free copies are available every week at music stores cafes fast food outlets nightclubs bars restaurants cinemas and retail stores throughout New Zealand If you would like to stock Groove Guide please contact tyler grooveguide co nz or call EDITOR Grant Hislop editor grooveguide co nz Editorial Manager Tyler Hislop tyler grooveguide co nz SUB Editor Laura Weaser laura grooveguide co nz Designer Greta Gotlieb greta grooveguide co nz Advertising sales grooveguide co nz Accounts Gail Hislop gail grooveguide co nz GEAR Bronte Taylor gear grooveguide co nz Contributors Laura Weaser Josh Ling Tim Gruar Connor Crawford Trevor Villers Ren Kirk Steve Newall Angus Deacon Intern Julia Hoernig print PMP Maxum Publisher Hark Entertainment LTD PO Box Wellesley Street Auckland due to space and content requirements not all gigs may be listed listings are user generated groove guide assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies errors or omissions groove guide is provided ? as is ? for your information only without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied including but not limited to ?tness for a particular purpose and non-infringment the guide ? s publisher assumes no responsibility for and disclaims all liability for any inaccuracies errors or omissions in this guide and do not share the opinions expressed within reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited copyright ISSN - X Shit Worth Knowing MEGA MAN Kim Dotcom ? s new and improved ?le storage site Mega has launched with half a million users creating accounts in the ?rst hours This has meant the site has reached maximum capacity and is already showing signs of buckling under pressure There is much speculation that the website could be branded illegal like its predecessor Megaupload but Dotcom and his legal team are adamant Mega is legal and are already making plans for the future ?? We want to give back so we will be hiring New Zealanders here - we want to have customer support here we will hire developers in NZ web designers ? said Dotcom ??In the
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- Publié le Jan 11, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 159.2kB