Guide 2023 05 30T072446 514

VA Records Center Vault Users ? Guide Instructions for using RC V records storage and management services Revised January CTable of Contents Part I Introduction Page How to use this guide Key records management terms General information Points of contact Part II Making Requests for VA Records Center Vault Services How do new customers request services from the RC V How do I obtain a Records Retrieval System RRS login id to submit electronic requests for services What information is required to establish my RRS login id What should I do if I forget my RRS login id or password How do I update my RRS user pro ?le or change my password Part III Shipping Procedures How are records sorted and grouped for storage What is an accession number and how do I request it Where do I ?nd information to complete VA Form Records Transmittal and Receipt What is the size limit for one accession of records and how many boxes can be shipped at one time How do I prepare and transfer detailed shipment inventories How do I prepare records for shipment What information must be included on boxes sent for storage Can damaged records be transferred to the RC V How does my agency account for and report shipment damage and shortages Part IV Recall Procedures How do I recall records How long will it take for recall requests to be processed How do I ensure my records are sent only to authorize sta ? Can requested information be faxed to me Can other o ?ces within my agency recall records owned by my facility and can I request records owned by my facility be shipped directly to other o ?ces within my agency C What do I do if I alter or remove contents of a previously retired box of records during a recall What happens if recalled records are lost in transit Part V Re-File and Inter ?le Procedures How do I return previously recalled folders for re- ?ling How do I forward single-sheeted documents to be inter ?led within an existing folder Part VI Records Destruction Procedures How are facilities noti ?ed when records become eligible for destruction How are records destroyed What happens if my agency does not provide written authorization to destroy records exceeding their expiration date How can my agency keep records disposal costs to a minimum Part VII Appendices Appendix A Standard Supply Items for Packing and Shipping Records Appendix B Pallet Diagrams boxes per pallet design Appendix C Pallet Diagrams boxes per pallet design Appendix D Sample VA Form - Records Transmittal and Receipt with Instruction Sheet for Completion Appendix E Sample VA Form - VARC V Reference Request Appendix F Sample Pallet Sequencing Tag Appendix G Request for Re- ?le and Inter ?le Services Appendix H Notice of Eligibility to Destroy Records CPart I Introduction In this part How to use this guide Key records management terms General information Points of contact How to use this guide

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  • Publié le Mai 03, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 137.8kB