Guide 65 APPENDIX II CHAPTER TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING FROM McGaw D R Mellowes W A and Young Hoon A Introduction to Chemical Engineering - St Augustine Trinidad UWI C BASIC CONSIDERATIONS Once a piece of technical work has been completed it is necessary to
APPENDIX II CHAPTER TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING FROM McGaw D R Mellowes W A and Young Hoon A Introduction to Chemical Engineering - St Augustine Trinidad UWI C BASIC CONSIDERATIONS Once a piece of technical work has been completed it is necessary to communicate the content of the work to the interested parties in as e ?cient a manner as possible E ?cient communication of the work is just as important as the work itself whether it be in the form of a thesis journal paper or technical report There would normally in fact be little point in carrying out the work in the ?rst place if the results are not communicated to appropriate interested parties in some form One of the most important considerations when writing up the work is to think of the person who will be reading it While preparing the document the writer should be continually asking himself if it is being written in such a manner that the reader will be able to grasp the information immediately All the means at the writer's disposal should be used to present the work as clearly as possible Before starting to write the document the writer should have the basic aims of the work clearly in his mind and should at all times be sure that the ful ?lment of these aims is being transmitted to the reader PROCEDURES INVOLVED IN DEVELOPING A THESIS OR REPORT The mechanics of taking a piece of ?nished research work and putting it together in the form of a written document involves a number of steps which may be summarised as follows a Before starting on the thesis or report ensure that i Data has been collected and correlated ii Results have been analysed iii Conclusions have been drawn iv Recommendations have been decided upon At this stage the writer must have readily available all the material which he thinks he is going to use C b The ?rst major decision to be made is concerning the layout to be used At this stage the writer has to decide on all the Section or Chapter headings appropriate to the work being reported c The next step is to examine each of the projected sections in turn and decide on what material is to go in the section Each section may then be written up once the organization of the presentation of ideas in the section has been decided upon d Read through the Sections in the correct order in order to examine the continuity between chapters Each chapter should follow naturally on from the one preceding it e Rewrite as appropriate until satisfactory f Detail Tables Graphs Plates Nomenclature and References g Arrange Typing h Prepare for Presentation e g Copying and Binding It is normal to get someone to read the report at one or more stages before typing For a thesis the supervisor should check each section as it is written and advise on redrafting He should then reread the ?nished
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- Publié le Jan 24, 2021
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