Ej 961491 The Role of the Social Foundations of Education in Programs of Teacher Preparation in Canada Donald Kerr Lakehead University David Mandzuk University of Manitoba Helen Raptis University of Victoria Abstract This paper argues that the social foun
The Role of the Social Foundations of Education in Programs of Teacher Preparation in Canada Donald Kerr Lakehead University David Mandzuk University of Manitoba Helen Raptis University of Victoria Abstract This paper argues that the social foundations of education and particularly the disciplines of history philosophy and sociology of education must continue to play an integral role in programs of teacher education We report on the decline of the study of history of education within Faculties of Education in Canada as an example of the marginalization of the role of the social foundations in teacher education programs generally In this context we furnish what we take to be some of the strongest reasons for the requirement for future teachers to engage with the social foundations ??some of these arguments apply to all of the foundational areas and some apply to speci ?c foundational disciplines Some of these arguments will be familiar some new We conclude that if a teacher education program in Canada is to be of a very high quality then it must include a strong social foundations component Keywords teacher education sociology of education history of education philosophy of education social foundations of education Résumé Cet article a ?rme que les fondements sociaux de l'éducation et particulièrement les disciplines telles que l'histoire la philosophie et la sociologie de l'éducation doivent continuer à jouer un rôle intégral dans les programmes de formation des enseignants Nous faisons rapport du le déclin de l'étude de l'histoire de l'éducation au sein de facultés CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION - ? Canadian Society for the Study of Education Société canadienne pour l ? étude de l ? éducation CSOCIAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION d'éducation au Canada comme un exemple de la marginalisation du rôle des fondements sociaux dans les programmes de formation des enseignants en général Dans ce contexte nous fournissons ce que nous pensons être parmi les plus fortes raisons en tant qu'obligation pour les futurs enseignants de se familiariser avec les fondements sociaux Certains de ces arguments s'appliquent à l'ensemble des domaines fondamentaux et certains s'appliquent seulement à des disciplines fondamentales spéci ?ques Certains seront connus d'autres nouveaux Nous en concluons que si un programme de formation des enseignants au Canada se veut être un programme d'excellence alors il doit inclure une composante importante sur les fondements sociaux Mots clés formation des enseignants sociologie de l'éducation histoire de l'éducation philosophie de l'éducation fondements sociaux de l'éducation C D KERR D MANDZUK H RAPTIS The Role of the Social Foundations of Education in Programs of Teacher Preparation in Canada In this paper we argue explicitly that the social foundations of education must form a strong component of high quality teacher education programs in Canada Despite the declining role of the foundations in teacher education programs we believe that there are good reasons for ensuring that students gain some exposure to the social foundations of education generally and we believe that there are very good reasons why students need to gain some familiarity with knowledge
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- Publié le Mai 16, 2022
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