Sequence sport and protest

To what extent can sport be a channel to express dissent Axe diversité et inclusion Mots-clé discrimination générations minorités égalité émancipation Par Catherine Diard-Beranger et Karine Vitry-Roche professeurs d'anglais au lycée Gaspard Monge à Chambéry Savoie Can protest in sport change the world To what extent can sport be used as a means to protest CDocuments Video ? The Olympic Creed ? Objectifs Introduction to the lexical ?eld of sport and Olympic games Activités Work Homework Listen and guess the topic we will study Pronounciation of key words Brainstorming about ? creed ? set of beliefs that guide your actions The Olympic Values tri de mot-clés Extract from the Olympic Charter Photo ? the Mexico Olympic Protest ? ? The Mexico Olympic Protest ? Travail sur l ? expression de l ? opinion et l ? argumentation ?che d ? aide avec des prompts Rebrassage du lexique Look at the document and discuss which is the most important Olympic value in your eyes You visit a class to recruit volunteers for Tokyo Paris Explain what values volunteers will learn and or what qualities they need You have just one minute to convince them Contexte culturel Black Power salute Grammaire expression du but to so that propositions in ?nitives want to hope to To make someone do Grammaire reprise but make ? do parler des di ?érentes reactions controversy Vocabulary recap - recap of the situation - récit au simple past Tirer des questions comme si interview travail par groupes Homework Watch ? US Olympic Sprinters protest racial inequality ? ? A silent protest ? list the symbols they used Vidéo coupée avant la ?n Introduire la concession even if Nuancer son propos should shoud have some ? while others ? You are a member of the IOC You need to decide if the two protesters should be excluded from the Olympic Village Did they breach the Olympic values Let ? s vote C Muhammed Ali and the draft Who could have inspired the Mexico sprinters Travail sur la photo o? Ali est entouré de photographes Puis veri ?cation avec ?n video En pro ?ter pour retravailler les temps du passé à l ? oral ?? en preparation du paragraphe à rédiger Write the ?rst paragraph words of a press article about the Olympic Mexico protest Reprise sur la concession Enrichir avec quelques relatives who which travaillées à partir d ? exemples en contexte Classe plus faible donner des ? prompts ? à intégrer Imagine what is going on Contexte culturel The Vietnam War Global comprehension where When Refusal to do what Why Consequences Gradation should must can ? t Reprise sur la concession Detailed comprehension work on the notion of solidarity between oppressed communities ? other innocent brown people ? use of celebrity as a political platform Intermediary task Write and act a dialogue between two friends who have just been drafted into the Vietnam War Should they follow the example of Muhammed Ali C What about today Contexte culturel

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