STUDY ABROAD IN AUSTRALIA ? S CAPITAL AUSTRALIA ? S CAPITAL UNIVERSITY C CONTENTS DISCOVER UC ?? WHAT ? S CANBERRA LIKE ?? OUR STUDY ABROAD EXCHANGE PROGRAM ?? LIVING AT UC ?? TRIPS ACTIVITIES CAMPUS LIFE ?? FEES AND COSTS HOW TO APPLY ?? EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS ?? FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS CONTACT DETAILS IMPORTANT DATES DEADLINES Australian Government Higher Education CRICOS Provider University of Canberra K University of Canberra College E Information in this guide was correct at time of printing The University of Canberra reserves the right to change course o ?erings arrangements and all other aspects without notice Up-to-date information will be available on the university ? s website www canberra edu au as ? changes are accredited by Academic Board Printed June CIT ? S ALL ABOUT YOU If you think you ? ll get lost in the crowd at the University of Canberra then think again We are quite a small university with a great sense of community and a welcoming atmosphere It is a safe environment where everyone settles in quickly and makes friends easily We ? ll do everything we can to see that your time here is interesting relevant and very enjoyable GETTING THE SUPPORT YOU NEED Here at the University of Canberra each and every one of our students is important to us Including you That ? s why we have a number of resources and services especially for you This includes our full-time International Student Advisors Personal Advisors for undergraduate students and Smart Study Passport support programs STUDY THE SUBJECTS YOU WANT Here at the University of Canberra we o ?er more than classes across over undergraduate postgraduate and research degrees through our four faculties Arts and Design Business Government and Law Education Science Technology and Mathematics and Health OUR LECTURERS ARE HERE FOR YOU Our students tell us that they can ? t believe how much time their lecturers spend with them to make sure they understand what ? s being taught and answering any questions they have There is a community of sta ? every one working towards the same goal ?? success for their students THE SKILLS YOU NEED TO SUCCEED The degrees from the University of Canberra focus on developing skills for the real world Our focus on applied education and our industry-leading ? Work Integrated Learning ? philosophy based around internships industry partnerships and other activities e ?ectively prepare our graduates for their future careers PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Full support from the UC Study Abroad team including trips activities Over classes to choose fromo ?ering hands on practical learning in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees UC is ranked TOP based on QS World University Rankings - Diverse community of more than sta ? and students including international students from over countries Quali ?cations are accepted and respected around the world Located minutes from Canberra ? s city centre Living on-campus means living just footsteps away from the resident kangaroos and colourful Australian parrots Guaranteed on-campus housing and

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