Guide dogs annual report 2010
GUIDE DOGS NSW ACT Annual Report GROWING TO MEET NEW CHALLENGES C A MESSAGE FROM OUR PATRON PRESIDENT ? S REPORT TO OUR SUPPORTERS WE SAY THANK YOU A MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MANAGEMENT REPORTS CENTRE FOR EYE HEALTH CORPORATE GOVERNANCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ABRIDGED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS COMPANY INFORMATION IBC CONTACT DETAILS GUIDE DOGS NSW ACT ABN Guide Dogs NSW ACT receives no State or Federal Government funding and is ?nancially dependent on the generosity of the people of NSW and the ACT CA MESSAGE FROM OUR PATRON THE GOVERNOR OF NEW SOUTH WALES PROFESSOR MARIE R BASHIR AC CVO Governor of New South Wales Sydney September Guide Dogs NSW ACT provides all its services including the wonderful Guide Dogs free-of-charge They rely entirely on the generous support of individual donors and partner organisations In the past year instructors from Guide Dogs NSW ACT travelled over one million kilometres to deliver tailored programs to people Nearly half these programs were delivered outside the Sydney metropolitan area as the organisation is committed to serving regional communities and providing local services wherever possible The number of people seeking their services continues to grow By it is likely that more than people in NSW and the ACT will have a visual impairment serious enough to a ?ect daily living Last November it was my great pleasure to open the Centre for Eye Health an initiative of Guide Dogs NSW ACT and The University of New South Wales This world-class facility is a result of clients wanting Guide Dogs NSW ACT to invest in the area of preventative eye health Since opening the Centre has provided advanced eye testing which helps to detect eye disease in its early stages for more than clients It is anticipated that more people will be tested in the coming months In addition to its life-changing services Guide Dogs NSW ACT actively advocates better access for people with impaired vision and awareness of their rights and needs reminding us that everyone has the right to live safely independently and with dignity Guide Dogs NSW ACT is an organisation worthy of your continuing support for which I thank you GUIDE DOGS NSW ACT ANNUAL REPORT CCONSOLIDATED FIVE YEAR TRADING COMPARISON WHERE THE FUNDS CAME FROM ? ? ? ? ? Bequests Donations incl appeals Direct marketing merchandising net Income from investments Government grants nil all years Other incl fair- value adjustments of investments De ?cit funded from reserves ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Total HOW THE FUNDS WERE USED ? Client O M instruction Guide Dogs Centre Centre for Eye Health services Fundraising community information and planned giving Governance ?nance and administration Surplus transferred to reserves Total ? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? GUIDE DOGS NSW ACT ANNUAL REPORT CPRESIDENT ? S REPORT A B C STEPHEN President Sydney October It gives me great pleasure to present my report covering the months to June another busy and productive year for Guide
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