Guide how to file your income tax returns online 2013 edition

Guide How To File Your Income Tax Returns Online Edition It is that time of the year again when you assess your income tax returns Some prefer to visit to the chartered accountant and pay to get the job done While this is certainly a no-hassle way of doing it it is more fun and satisfying to do it on your own right from the comfort of your home While it may appear to be complicated worry not this stepby-step guide will help you all the way to get your I-T returns ?led without any professional help Note This guide applies only to Form ITR- ?? that is salaried individuals with no other sources of income except for interest income and rental income from one property If you own more than one property if you've sold a property between April and Mar or are a professional doctor consultant etc you are better o ? hiring a CA to get the job done The ?rst thing you need to do is obtain your Form This is provided by your employer ?? if you don't have it you can request your HR department for one This form is a statement of your taxable salary allowed deductions and the tax that has been paid on your behalf Also banks and other ?nancial institutions that charge you TDS Tax Deducted at Source on interest due are supposed to supply you with a Form A If they haven't yet now is the time to demand one from them The return needs to be ?led before st July if you are eligible for tax refunds However it usually gets extended till st August Nevertheless it is better that you ?le your returns by the original deadline If you aren't due for a refund and your salary is under lakhs you are exempt from ?ling returns Nevertheless it is prudent to do so especially if you intend to apply for home car loans in the future since that requires I-T return details spanning the previous three years CWith the Form sorted out you can begin with visiting the Income Tax India website Step I You ?rst need to register on the website This just requires a few of your details including your PAN card number We'll proceed further assuming that you are already registered Step II Log into your account The very ?rst thing you need to do is view your Form AS statement which speci ?es how much tax has been paid on your behalf to the I-T department To view the statement click on the View Tax Credit Statement Form AS under the Quick Link section on the left You will then be redirected to another site once you press the Con ?rm button Here click on View Tax Credit Form AS near the top In the page that opens next select Assessment Year - from the drop-down box select format type in the View As dropdown box from HTML Text or PDF and click

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  • Publié le Jul 03, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 46.7kB