Fifa 21 sub trading guides how to get spreadsheets when i x27 m not live

FIFA SUB TRADING GUIDES How to get spreadsheets when I ? m not live https docs google com spreadsheets u Specials for both Xbox and PS Trading U pdated WIll be updated throughout the day Here is how to do the method h ttps www youtube com watch v IsA-G nWcnk Both on the same sheet so I can do both prices at the same time https docs google com spreadsheets d LzBufbMN PmwiDbUF LGQliEkfz y oq mK hS DrV edit usp sharing Serie A updated Prices Updated Tomorrow Updated What I have done is go through the Ligue identifying all the expensive silvers and have given them a selling price What you can do is of methods to utilise this data Method Go through the players by trying to get coins cheaper than the guide Then sell for the guide price DO understand this is still early days so there is a lot of uctuating that can occur Method Advised method Setting up the ?lter Calcio A Silver Highest Buy Now without there being or less players over an hour Defenders optinall CThe compare price then backout until a new card pops up then see if that card ius a deal using the price sheed eventually you will learn the market and not have to use the price sheet and be able to snipe the players instantly On Top of this you can invest in them with MM tonight Untitled spreadsheet Price List for Bundesliga Calcio A Ligue Prem PS https docs google com spreadsheets d Hzn -Oh voYrlWgj ngeSHSpBS -tnXXjCO - edit usp sharing Febuary Silvers PS Xbox https docs google com spreadsheets d py o FpMyvlMEKzRgVJMd a gVuclJCVvk Vpus edit usp sharing Live investment sheet Due to me not being able to update the guide for Investments I ? m going to start using a google sheet that can Auto update this will include all Pre-TOTW Link investments and WL investments Investment sheet https docs google com spreadsheets d XLD fNVsx dYv-rkj Bp rqFOrFwTJrQ vFb k edit usp sharing Icon ? s Sell sheet U pdated PS and on Xbox Current Icon Status -Prices will be slightly lower than guide due to a normal drop till Wednesday - Prime Icons are still dropping pretty fast but if you buy try and sell within a few hours unless they are on a low uctuation - Baby and Mid Icons are safe to trade with Due to the new Futbin Extension which shows you what cards have sold for I now have a lot more data to work with and as a result have created sell prices for Icons for both what you Cshould be able to sell within a few hours and also what you can sell within hours which is a higher prices What I have done is looked at the last hours and found the high average and consistent high sales but happen less regularly than the high average How you can use this data is

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