Welcome guide 2 Welcome To Fluent English Each lesson Set has at least - di ?erent lesson ?les All lessons in a Set have the same name These lessons go together Every day you will listen to all the lessons in ONE lesson SET all the lessons with the same n

Welcome To Fluent English Each lesson Set has at least - di ?erent lesson ?les All lessons in a Set have the same name These lessons go together Every day you will listen to all the lessons in ONE lesson SET all the lessons with the same name You will listen to only one set for a week or more This is very important You will only improve quickly if you follow this method-- one lesson set every day-- the same lessons set every day for a week or more Some sets have more than lessons What kind of lessons are in each set and how should you use them A Text Article Adobe pdf ?le Read the article Do not ??study ? it Don ? t try to memorize it Just read it a couple of times each day and review new words Use a dictionary to translate di ?cult words if necessary Vocabulary Lesson MP ?? MP Just listen Don ? t try to memorize the words Mini-storyLessons MP This is the most powerful lesson First time just listen Then listen and pause after each question Answer each question loudly in English then play again Don ? t worry if you don ? t understand everything Don ? t worry about mistakes I will ask a question that you know the answer to Just answer the question You don ? t need to answer with a sentence You can answer with only one or two words I will ask a question that you don ? t know the answer to Guess Yell a guess immediately Again you can guess with just one or a few words Saying a correct and exact answer is not important The most important thing is speed Try to answer very quickly remember one word is ?ne Speed is your goal You want short fast answers not long answers In the beginning this may be di ?cult That ? s OK Use your pause button Listen to this lesson many times every day for at least a week The Mini-story is the MOST IMPORTANT LESSON in the Power English System LIsten to these lessons the most Audio Article ?? Main Lectures MP -MP Just listen Relax and enjoy it Listen to it several times each day for at least a week Your goal is to understand instantly and automatically Point of View - Mini-Stories MP -MP These are a way to improve grammar uency without studying Just listen carefully C Relax Do not think about grammar rules in the Power English System You probably won ? t understand everything at the beginning ??its normal Just relax and listen Suggested Lesson Order Every Day Using The Same Set First read the Text article Read and review it do not ??study ? it Don ? t try to memorize it Listen to the Vocabulary Lesson a few times Listen to the Mini-storyLesson several times Listen to the Grammar Point of View Story if there is one

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