Graduate school guide A Guide to Graduate School Vat Ly Ly Thuyet Alumni July This document was inspired by a discussion in our Vat Ly Ly Thuyet Facebook group The guide is geared towards undergraduate students that they will have you y there and talk to

A Guide to Graduate School Vat Ly Ly Thuyet Alumni July This document was inspired by a discussion in our Vat Ly Ly Thuyet Facebook group The guide is geared towards undergraduate students that they will have you y there and talk to them in person So be prepared Actually those are the kind of places that you de ?nitely should apply for who are searching for a master graduate ? receiving the o ?er s considering your op- program Students who already comtions and making the ?nal call pleted their master and thus wish to ?nd a PhD position might try to use some links Below we shall discuss the whole process in at the end or contact the authors directly details We hope this guide will be somewhat helpful for future generations looking to set o ? their journeys in physics General Remarks Introduction You will usually be asked for - reference letters Think about them well in advance Make them The usual application procedure is as follows diverse Your personal statement motivation letter ? ?lling out an application form which usually should describe more in details yourself and the includes a written essay about yourself and highlights of your CV It should also show your your research interests enthusiasm for physics even better if you can ? providing all up-to-date transcripts CV En- demonstrate your understanding insight of the glish language certi ?cate around letters of topic ?eld of your interest recommendation BSc and if available MSc Europe The ?rst thing you need is an En- diploma glish certi ?cate TOEFL iBT IELTS etc The minimum scores for each kind of tests vary from ? only if being asked giving a talk on your place to place but in general European insti- previous research and attending a personal tutes scholarships are more tolerant of this crite- interview - min long Usually this can ria comparing to their US counterparts except be done via Skype but some places are so for the UK Funding schemes are diverse and committed at choosing the right candidates are very generous at some places see below Page of C ? UK Funding is scarce for non-European stu- your pro ?le is not so strong and you ? re not workdents you can try to contact the school you ing in a university Also the applying procedure are interested in to ?nd out more about their is somewhat hassle with many steps documents funding options if you cannot ?nd the infor- and usually takes months Less hassle but more mation you need on their websites Oxford competitive way to get MEXT scholarship is ap- and Cambridge o ?er their own scholarships plying directly to the universities Most of top for international i e non-European stu- universities in Japan works this way ?rst you dents but the applications are highly com- ?nd a professor ask to join his lab then submit petitive and cost some fees your application take the screening examination ? Germany

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