Guide for authors 1 aims and scope 2

GUIDE FOR AUTHORSAims and scope Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology publishes studies on all aspects of normal morphology and human comparative and experimental pathology The journal accepts only researches that utilize modern investigation methods studies of anatomy pathology cytopathology immunohistochemistry histochemistry immunology morphometry molecular and cellular biology electronic microscopy etc and provides a medium for publication of the following articles ? Reviews ?? specially commissioned by the EDITOR may embrace the results of various workers practitioners in a given area or may feature recent developments from the author ? s own laboratory clinic ? Original Papers ?? de ?nitive reports on a full study describing original research of high scienti ?c level and timeliness ? Case Reports ?? shorter pieces of work and report- limited studies of the same level as described in original papers ? In Memoriam Conference Announcements and Book Reviews ?? these sections appear in the journal from time to time To insure a timely publication process authors are requested to read the following instructions carefully and to prepare their manuscript accordingly If possible consult a recent issue of the journal to become familiar with layout and conventions Manuscript submission Authors are invited to submit manuscripts original and two copies to the EDITOR at the following address Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova ?? Petru Rare Street Craiova Romania E-mail submission is also accepted editor rjme ro rjmorphembryol yahoo com All manuscripts submitted are subject to peer review The minimum requirements for a manuscript to qualify for peer review are to be prepared by strictly following the format and style of the journal as mentioned to be written in good English and to be complete Manuscript originality and quality are determined by at least by two independent reviewers which maintain the option of requesting that the authors to modify their texts Manuscripts that have not ful ?lled these requirements will be returned to the author s General procedures Papers will be published in English Authors must include the following contact details on the title page of their submitted manuscripts full postal address phone fax numbers and e-mail Electronic format requirements After their article has been accepted for publication authors are requested to submit an electronic version of the text with the ?nal hardcopy of the manuscript The electronic version must match the hardcopy exactly No changes to the accepted version are permissible without the explicit approval of the EDITOR It is important that the ?le be saved in the native format of the Word processor used Electronic ?les can be stored on CD or DVD Label storage media with your name ?les title and software used The preferred software is MS Word Times New Roman pts paragraph indent cm for text Adobe Photoshop or Corel for ?gures or schemes and MS Excel for charts Keep image ?les TIF separate from text Manuscript format Manuscripts should be neatly typed single-spaced throughout using RJME Template http www rjme ro RJME resources

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