Guide to cbd The Realm of Caring Foundation RoC is a c nonpro ?t that provides support services and resources to those using cannabinoid products These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration FDA Cannabidiol CBD RoC and the
The Realm of Caring Foundation RoC is a c nonpro ?t that provides support services and resources to those using cannabinoid products These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration FDA Cannabidiol CBD RoC and the information in this pamphlet are not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent disease GUIDE TO CBD INTRODUCTION This guide is intended to be used by healthcare practitioners as well as RoC clients seeking education about cannabidiol CBD Included are details concerning the basic science and mechanisms associated with CBD sourced from peer-reviewed research and Realm of Caring ? s collective data Prior to initiating the use of CBD a thorough medical evaluation of the severity and cause of current health status or symptoms including a detailed history and physical examination should be performed by a quali ?ed physician LEGAL Hemp products grown in compliance with the Agricultural Act of are now e ?ectively legal under federal law due to the recent Consolidated Appropriations Act Omnibus Appropriations Sec As the bill states- ??None of the funds made available by this Act or any other Act may be used ?? in contravention of section of the Agricultural Act of U S C or to prohibit the transportation processing sale or use of industrial hemp that is grown or cultivated in accordance with subsection section of the Agricultural Act of within or outside the State in which the industrial hemp is grown or cultivated ? Furthermore some RoC- approved products are grown under Amendment in Colorado that allows for the industrial production of hemp and have been independently veri ?ed by the Colorado Department of Agriculture as hemp Between the aforementioned and the Agricultural Act of which allows for cultivation for the purpose of research under an agricultural pilot program individuals using these products and participating in research can receive a layer of protection under these laws Be sure to reach out to the RoC Care Team for speci ?cs and ask how to enroll in our Observational Research Registry ORR through Johns Hopkins University www theroc us info theroc us - - page of CMECHANISMS OF ACTION The utility of CBD may be mediated in part by the endocannabinoid system ECS a set of cellular receptors and modulatory lipids present throughout the body There is evidence linking the ECS to pain memory appetite energy balance and metabolism stress response exploration social behavior and anxiety immune function female reproduction autonomic nervous system function thermoregulation and sleep CBD is a major cannabinoid that appears to have a wide range of potentially therapeutic e ?ects CBD acts as an indirect antagonist of CB and CB receptors and is an inverse agonist of CB It also acts upon other receptors including -HT A receptors which mediate antidepressant anxiolytic and neuroprotective e ?ects and opioid receptors which mediate pain analgesic e ?ects CBD may reduce symptoms of schizophrenia via stabilization of NMDA receptor brain circuits which interact with GABA and Norepinephrine actions In a small double-
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- Publié le Aoû 12, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 45.6kB