Harvard guide 2016 Harvard Referencing Style This is a general guide to the Harvard referencing style Please check the guide provided by your School or lecturer as it may vary from these guideline General guidelines for Harvard Style About Harvard Style H
Harvard Referencing Style This is a general guide to the Harvard referencing style Please check the guide provided by your School or lecturer as it may vary from these guideline General guidelines for Harvard Style About Harvard Style Harvard style is an author-date referencing system It has two components In-text citation a partial reference to the sources you are referring to in the text of your work The in-text citation appears in the format of author-date or name-date enclosed in brackets e g Smith There are many varieties of Harvard referencing system This guide follows the standards described in the Style Manual for Authors Editors and Printers th edition often referred to as the AGPS Manual as it was formerly published by the Australian Government Publishing Services The manual is available in the Library at STYL The online version of this guide is available at http libguides scu edu au harvard The reference list a list containing the full bibliographic details of all the sources cited in your work usually placed at the end of the document Entries in the reference list are in alphabetical order by author names and must be in agreement to the in-text citations Citing in the text The purpose of citing in the text is to provide brief information about the source su ?cient to enable readers to ?nd complete information about the source in the reference list at the end of the document There are two formats for in-text citations Author Date and Author Date The Author Date format is used to show the source of the information you are citing usually placed at the end of a sentence For example While an activist image of workers is sometimes presented Rodr guez- Garavito workers are more often depicted as unwilling accomplices in factory managers ? manipulations Ngai The Author Date format emphasises the author by integrating author name into the sentence followed immediately by date in brackets For example Robertson and Pitel predict an average growth of for the continent for ? In the long run Saarinen argues development of tourism may not always be the most favorable use of natural and cultural resources ? Citing paraphrases or summaries When referring to the overall content of a work or putting information in your own words by summarising or paraphrasing you must cite the original author or researcher and the date of publication For example Fast-paced change and complex problems can a ?ect organizations Wagoner Harvard LibGuide ?? visit http libguides scu edu au harvard for online version Updated -Nov- Page CA page number may be included if you paraphrase a passage summarise an idea from a particular page or you wish to direct the readers to a speci ?c page Page numbers may also be included when referring to a long work and the page number s might be useful to the reader Use p for a single page and pp for a range of consecutive pages For example At a macro level negative
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- Publié le Jul 31, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 86kB