History of south east asia

THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ASIA VOLUME ONE From early times to c edited by NICHOLAS TARLING C Q CHSC N yetLUZERN CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS The Cambridge history of Southeast Asia digitalisiert durch IDS Luzern CCONTENTS Maps vü Note on Spelling viii Note on Gender in Southeast Asian Languages ix Abbreviations x Preface to the Original Edition xi Preface to the Paperback Edition xv The Writing of Southeast Asian History D LEGGE Monash University Melbourne Australia Southeast Asian Studies before World War II Southeast Asian Studies since World War II Major Themes in Post-war Studies Changes in Interpretation Deconstructing Southeast Asian History Front early times to c Introduction Southeast Asia before History PETER BELLWOOD Australian National University Canberra Present-day Environments of Southeast Asia The Changing Nature of the Southeast Asian Environment Human Prehistory The First Million Years Ancestors for the Living The Archaeological Record ??Late Pleistocene to Mid-Holocene The Rise and Expansion of Agricultural Communities The Archaeology of Early Agricultural Societies The Linguistic Records The Early Metal Phase The Late Neolithic and Early Metal Phases in the Austronesian World Bibliographie Essay The Early Kingdoms KEITH W TAYLOR Cornell University Ithaca USA Vietnam Champa Angkor Pagan CVI Ayutthaya ? nvijaya Majapahit Bibliographie Essay Economic History of Early Southeast Asia KENNETH R HALL Ball State University Munde Indiana USA Early Economic Development The Age of Fu-nan The Emergence of the Southeast Asian Political-Economy in the Early Christian Era The Age of the ? rivijayan Maritime Empire - The Temple Realm of Central Java - East Java - Singhasari - and Majapahit - The Southeast Asian Maritime Realm c The Temple-based Political-Economy of Angkor Cambodia Buddhism as an Economic Force in Pagan Burma International Trade and Commercial Expansion on the Mainland c - Champa's Plunder-based Political-Economy The Emergence of the Vietnamese Political-Economy The Early Southeast Asian Socio-Economy A Concluding Overview Bibliographie Essay Religion and Popul? r Beliefs of Southeast Asia before c G DE CASPARIS Instituut Kern Leiden The Netherlands I W MABBETT Monash University Melbourne Australia The Earliest Times Religions of Indian Origin on the Mainland Religions of Indian Origin in the Maritime Realm Two Special Problems The Beginnings of Islam Bibliographie Essay Index CTHE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ASIA VOLUME TWO From c to c edited by NICHOLAS TARLING CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CCONTENTS Mups Note on Spelling Note on Gender in Southeast Asian Languages Abbreviations Preface to the Paperback Edition Introduction Interactions with the Outside World and Adaptation in Southeast Asian Society - LEONARD Y ANDAYA The University of Hawaii The Coming of Foreign Groups Innovations and Adaptations in Society Summary and Conclusion Bibliographie Essay Political Development between the Sixteenth and Eighteenth Centuries BARBARA WATSON ANDAYA The University of Hawaii The Political Landscape Southeast Asia during the Sixteenth Century The Cycle of Fragmentation and Unity The Centres of Power in the Seventeenth Century A Renewal of the Movement towards Centralized Control Kingship and Centralization in the Seventeenth Century Seventeenth-century Administrative Reforms and Manpower Control The Creation of the 'Exemplary Centre' The

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