Have a green easter celebration make sure your equipment starts when you need it

Volume No Phone - - ? Web www yourbg com ? E-mail ads yourbg com Have a green Easter celebration April nd Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle Easter Baskets Easter baskets over owing with fake grass and plenty of treats are an eagerly anticipated component of Easter celebrations However many of the items found in a typical Easter basket -- or even the basket itself -- may be made of items that are damaging to the environment Plastic easter eggs are made from plastics that may not be biodegradable Furthermore they may be made using chemicals that are damaging to the environment Plastic grass carries the same dangers Once discarded plastic grass also may pose risks to wildlife that can become tangled in the substance or inadvertently eat it and choke or experience intestinal blockage Instead of pre-packaged Easter baskets individuals can construct their own Look for baskets made from reusable materials such as wicker or other wood-based materials steering away from plastic Instead of plastic grass shred paper that is headed for the recycling bin Look for treats without excessive packaging You can gather healthy treats and toys individually and put together in the basket This way you can cater more to what your child enjoys and rely less on the cheap stu ? that will end up in the garbage Easter Eggs Coloring Easter eggs is a tradition So are the coloring kits that may be made from chemical food dyes Instead look to natural foods to add a festive hue to the eggs Cranberry juice or beet juice can turn eggs pink Red cabbage leaves or mashed blueberries can dye eggs blue And turmeric can give eggs a yellow tint These all-natural dyes are safe for little ?ngers All- Natural Decorations Rather than silk owers and plastic eggs use the real thing in your decorating Bring a little of the outside indoors with fresh owers in a vase Use twigs and ribbon to create inexpensive and green centerpieces for the holiday table Wrap cloth napkins in a thick blade of grass for a little festivity Construct wreaths from pruned garden clippings and orist wire to dress up doorways It ? s That Time Of Year Again Make Sure Your Equipment Starts When You Need It Batteries for all your needs Lawn Mower ? Tractor ? Motorcycle We Recycle Used Batteries Rt Mile South of Martinsburg Winchester - - - - - Great Prices We Install Everything We Sell VALUABLE COUPON Add Beauty and Value to Your Home - For Less OFF Any Special Order Over Not valid with any other o ?ers Coupon must be presented at the time of the sale Expires WINCHESTER AVE MARTINSBURG WV - - MON FRI - ? TUES -THURS - ? SAT - www carpetworldofmartinsburg com CPage Buyers Guide - Wednesday April Community News Meetings Church News More Call for details at - - Community Calendar Ruritan Hall The Tuscarora Ruritan Hall is available for a donation- commercial donation Air

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  • Publié le Dec 06, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
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