Hubbard inc guide Incubation Guide C ? SUMMARY THE HATCHING EGG ? Characteristics of hatching eggs ? Selection of hatching eggs ? Disinfection of eggs EGG STORAGE ? From ovulation to oviposition ? Pre-incubation PRESI ? Physical-chemical consequences on s

Incubation Guide C ? SUMMARY THE HATCHING EGG ? Characteristics of hatching eggs ? Selection of hatching eggs ? Disinfection of eggs EGG STORAGE ? From ovulation to oviposition ? Pre-incubation PRESI ? Physical-chemical consequences on storing eggs ? Storage conditions ? Recommendations ? E ?ects of storage on incubation time INCUBATION ? Pre-heating ? Incubation temperature ? Humidity during incubation ? Turning ? CO ? Loading the machines ? Disinfection during incubation ? Incubation room environment TRANSFER ? Transfer room environment HATCHING ? Hatcher temperatures ? Humidity during hatching ? Levels of CO ? The hatch window ? Total incubation time ? Disinfection during hatching ? Environment in the hatcher room CHICK QUALITY ? Chick length ? The Pasgar ? Score ANALYSIS AND CAUSES OF EMBRYONNIC MORTALITY BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES NOTES CNote The performance data contained in this document was obtained from results and experience from our own research ocks and ocks of our customers In no way does the data contained in this document constitute a warranty or guarantee of the same performance under di ?erent conditions of nutrition density or physical or biological environment In particular but without limitation of the foregoing we do not grant any warranties regarding the ?tness for purpose performance use nature or quality of the ocks Hubbard makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document C ? INCUBATION GUIDE THE HATCHING EGG Day old chick quality depends for a large part on the quality of the hatching egg It is therefore important during the whole reproductive period that all e ?orts are made to ensure optimum egg care and quality THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HATCHING EGG ? The composition of the egg and its in uencing factors While the composition of the egg in terms of macro-ingredients water proteins and amino acids total fats and macro-minerals is slightly dependant on alimentary absorption the trace elements minerals and vitamins and fatty acids from lipids vary according to the nature of the nutrients ingested Therefore unless a nutritional de ?ciency indirectly impairs the transfer of macro-nutrients to the egg a feed with excess protein or calcium for example does not necessarily improve chick or shell quality The situation is di ?erent for the micro-nutrients The vitamin content of the egg in particular the vitamins A D and some of the B group is directly linked to absorption from the alimentary tract It is important to ensure that the nutritional requirements especially for vitamins are completely satis ?ed The same situation exists for the fatty acids Feed with excess saturated fatty acids can lead to a reduced deposition of unsaturated fatty acids and compromise a good start to embryonic development Only ock age signi ?cantly impairs the level of macro-nutrients in the egg As soon as the ock ages the yolk size increases and the proportion of albumen in the egg decreases The same applies to the macro-nutrients where pro rata increases and decreases occur depending on where

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  • Publié le Sep 19, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 207.7kB