Infoscale licensing guide 1

Veritas InfoScale Licensing Guide July This guide supersedes previous licensing guides CVeritas InfoScale Licensing Guide CONTENTS CONTENTS II PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE PRODUCT OVERVIEW INFOSCALE LICENSING METERING License Meters License Models METER DEFINITIONS Metering by ??Core ? for Linux Windows or UNIX Metering by Server for UNIX Determining the Server License Tier to Select the Veritas SKU Licensing Per Instance with InfoScale SERVICES OPERATIONS READINESS TOOL SORT LICENSING FOR VIRTUAL SERVER ENVIRONMENTS LICENSE KEYS Permanent License Key Keyless License Evaluation Key LICENSE TERMS AND SUPPORT EULA PUR INFOSCALE RENEWALS Renewal Entitlement MIGRATING FROM VERITAS STORAGE FOUNDATION HIGH AVAILABILITY HA License Upgrades and Transfer CROSS --GRADES SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES End of Life Policies EOL Term De ?nitions Extended Technical Support REFERENCES ii CVeritas InfoScale Licensing Guide Purpose of This Guide This document is primarily to serve as a licensing reference guide on options available for Veritas InfoScale products including InfoScale Foundation InfoScale Storage InfoScale Availability and InfoScale Enterprise All pricing and SKUs should be obtained from the current appropriate regional price list This document is intended for use internally and externally by Veritas and Veritas customers and Partners Veritas reserves the right to change this document at any time without notice Product Overview Veritas InfoScale addresses enterprise storage management and IT service continuity needs It draws on Veritas ? long heritage of storage management and availability solutions to help IT teams realize reliable predictable and high performing operations across their physical virtual and cloud infrastructures It incorporates the technologies underlying the Storage Foundation High Availability family and provides software---de ?ned storage and resiliency for critical services across the data center infrastructure The solution provides high availability and disaster recovery for complex multi--- tiered applications across any distance Veritas InfoScale Foundation delivers basic heterogeneous storage management while increasing storage utilization and enhancing storage I O path availability for physical and virtual environments Veritas InfoScale Storage enables organizations to provision and manage storage independently of hardware types or locations while delivering predictable Quality---of---Service higher performance and better Return--- on--- Investment Veritas InfoScale Availability helps keep an organization ? s information and critical business services up and running on premise and across globally dispersed data centers through local clustering and disaster recovery to remote sites Veritas InfoScale Enterprise addresses enterprise IT service continuity needs It provides resiliency and software de ?ned storage for critical services across your datacenter infrastructure The Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability product functionality is included in the InfoScale products as follows For details please visit the Services and Operational Readiness Tool SORT web site https sort veritas com license calc InfoScale Product Features InfoScale Foundation InfoScale Storage InfoScale Availability InfoScale Enterprise Dynamic Multi--Pathing X X X Dynamic Multi--Pathing for X X X VMware Storage Foundation Basic X X Storage Foundation Standard X X X CVeritas InfoScale Licensing Guide InfoScale Product Features InfoScale Foundation InfoScale Storage InfoScale Availability Storage Foundation Enterprise X Replicator Option X Cluster File System X Cluster File System HA Cluster Server HA and HA DR

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Afficher les détails des licences
Licence et utilisation
Gratuit pour un usage personnel Attribution requise
  • Détails
  • Publié le Jul 09, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 62.7kB