Install guide 19 Amarisoft Software Install Guide Version - - Ci Table of Contents Introduction Background Install Guide Requirements Computer Setup Hardware Prerequisites Installation Steps How to retrieve a ?xed license key LTE LTE UE Fixed License File

Amarisoft Software Install Guide Version - - Ci Table of Contents Introduction Background Install Guide Requirements Computer Setup Hardware Prerequisites Installation Steps How to retrieve a ?xed license key LTE LTE UE Fixed License Files generation and install How to use the oating licenses License server installation Connecting a component to license server Getting license from a USB dongle RF driver con ?guration for multiple SDR card setup Initial Test and Setup Automatic service con ?guration LTE Select component Exit screen UE Access UE Simulator Exit screen How To Manage Your LTE Automatic Service Status Stop Start Disable Enable How To Change Software Con ?guration UE How To Change Software Versions Logging Troubleshooting Contact Additional Information C Introduction This document describes how to install and use your software binary LTE and LTE UE It explains basic install procedure and where to ?nd software For advanced use please refer to software documentations Background The LTE product includes the following components ? lteenb This component is a LTE base station eNodeB ? ltemme This component is a LTE EPC including MME Mobility Management Entity SGW Serving Gateway PGW Packet Data Network Gateway and HSS Home Subscriber Server ? lteims This component is an IMS test server ? ltembmsgw This component is a LTE MBMS Gateway ? trx This component is your radio frontend driver where represents your radio frontend type Examples are trxsdr for PCIe SDR card and trxuhd for USRP SDR cards ? www this component is in charge of web interface to Amarisoft LTE software It allows you to control the software and visualize logs The LTE UE product includes the following components ? lteue This component is a LTE UE simulator It simulates one or more UEs by communicating through a RF system with an eNodeB and core network ? trx This component is your radio frontend driver where represents your radio frontend type Examples are trxsdr for PCIe SDR card and trxuhd for USRP SDR cards ? www this component is in charge of web interface to Amarisoft LTE software It allows you to control the software and visualize logs Note that each component has a doc directory where you can ?nd its documentation Alternatively all documentations are available for download in our Extranet C Install Guide Requirements Before proceeding make sure that you have ? A fast PC For best performances a quad core Intel Core i CPU with AVX support Haswell architecture or later running at a clock of GHz is recommended ? Appropriate hardware interface s to connect your Radio front head i e ?? PCIe port minimum x gen per PCIe SDR card ?? One Gigabit Ethernet port per USRP device such as N x ?? One USB port per USRP device such as B x ?? One Gigabit Ethernet port per USRP device such as X x ? Root privileges to be able to install and run the software ? A bit Linux distribution Fedora is the o ?cially supported distribution The following

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  • Taille du fichier 78.6kB