Cms config guide Con ?guration Guide CMS acano syslog follow so that ssh won't dc -------------------Basic Con ?guration------------------------------ hostname cms ipv a add dns add forwardzone acetech com pg or forwardzone all domain ntp server add verif
Con ?guration Guide CMS acano syslog follow so that ssh won't dc -------------------Basic Con ?guration------------------------------ hostname cms ipv a add dns add forwardzone acetech com pg or forwardzone all domain ntp server add verify DN records dns lookup A cms adeng pom CREATING WEBADMIN ----------------Creating Certi ?cates------------------------- Microsoft CA - install on a server and add the template Go to Server Manager - Tools - Certi ?cate Authority Right Click Certi ?cate Template - Manage Right CLick Web Server - Duplicate Properties - General - Rename the Certi ?cate Extensons - Application Policies - Add Client Authentication Close Certi ?cate Template Console Right Click Certi ?cate Template - New - Certi ?cate Template To Issue - Click created template acano webadmin listen a webadmin enable - will have error needs certi ?cate webadmin disable pki csr cms CN cms acetech com pg subjectAltName acetech com pg join acetech com pg domain of users users joining Use WinSCP to copy the cms key and cms csr ?le to windows and create a certi ?cate through Microsoft CA using the template that created for Server and Client Authentication Note Verify Valid From and Valid To for the certi ?cate created Note Also download the root CA of Microsoft CA and cpy the ?les back to CMS acano webadmin certs cms key cms cer root cer webadmin enable Access the GUI https XMPP Server and Call Bridge Cacano pki selfsigned self - will create self key and self crt xmpp listen a xmpp certs self key self crt xmpp domain acetech com pg xmpp enable xmpp callbridge add CFBCMS - copy the text in Secret callbridge listen a callbridge certs self key self crt callbridge restart Access the GUI input the following in General Unique Call Bridge Name CFBCMS Domain Name acetech com pg Server Address IP of CMS Secret Password from xmpp callbridge add CFBCMS Submit Web Bridge acano webbridge listen a default webbridge http-redirect enable webbridge certs self key self crt webbridge trust self crt webbridge enable Enable Web Bridge and Call Bridge Link Enable Join button on sign in Go to the GUI Con ?guration - General - Web Bridge Setting Scroll Down Guest account client URI https Guest account JID domain acetech com pg Database Enabled by defualt using single server Do not do anything unless using multiple CMS LDAP GUI Con ?guration - Active Directory Address Input IP Address of the Active Directory Port Username Need Full Distinguished Name -Go to the Internal DNS Server -Use ADSI Edit -Right click - Connect to - OK -Go to CN users - CN Administrator - Right click - Properties -Double click distinguished name - copy the text input in Username C Password Type your password Base distinguished name do the same procedure above choose any user Copy the distinguished name except the ?rst part paste it or just copy from administrator Filter sAMAccountName use hq or wahtever which users needs to be synced Field Mapping Expressions Display name cn Username
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Dec 21, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 50.7kB