Insulation design guide REAFFIRMATION WITH EDITORIAL REVISION October Process Industry Practices Insulation PIP INEG Insulation Design Guide CPURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an e ?ort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities th

REAFFIRMATION WITH EDITORIAL REVISION October Process Industry Practices Insulation PIP INEG Insulation Design Guide CPURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an e ?ort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities this Practice has been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users contractors or standards organizations By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices administrative application and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice Determinations concerning ?tness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information contained in these materials The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade Other brands having the same speci ?cations are equally correct and may be substituted for those named All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements To the extent these Practices or guidelines should con ict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations such laws or regulations must be followed Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice This Practice is subject to revision at any time ? Process Industry Practices PIP Construction Industry Institute The University of Texas at Austin West Braker Lane R Austin Texas PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use Changes or modi ?cations of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP Authorized Users may attach addenda or overlays to clearly indicate modi ?cations or exceptions to speci ?c sections of PIP Practices Authorized Users may provide their clients suppliers and contractors with copies of the Practice solely for Authorized Users ? purposes These purposes include but are not limited to the procurement process e g as attachments to requests for quotation purchase orders or requests for proposals contracts and preparation and issue of design engineering deliverables for use on a speci ?c project by Authorized User ? s client PIP ? s copyright notices must be clearly indicated and unequivocally incorporated in documents where an Authorized User desires to provide any third party with copies of the Practice PRINTING HISTORY December Issued April Complete Revision October Complete Revision July Editorial Revision October Rea ?rmation with Editorial Revision Not printed with State funds CREAFFIRMATION WITH EDITORIAL REVISION October Process Industry Practices Function Team PIP INEG Insulation Design Guide Table of Contents Introduction Purpose Scope References Process Industry Practices Industry Codes and Standards Other References Insulation Materials Categories Closed-Cell Insulations Fibrous Insulations Granular Insulations Jacket Materials and Accessories Vapor Barriers Insulation System Design General Basic Design

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  • Publié le Jui 08, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 145.7kB